Northrop Grumman Unveils Its Concept For A Sixth Generation Fighter

Known internally as NG Air Dominance, the craft features laser weapons. The so called 'sixth generation fighter' is rumoured to fly at supersonic speeds, although Northrop Grumman, who are developing it, say the specifications are still classified.

Breaking Defense: Northrop Unveils Sixth Gen Fighter Concept

PALMDALE, CALIF: Northrop Grumman unveiled its vision of the so-called sixth-generation fighter, showing reporters a laser-firing aircraft that looks like a cross between the B-2 bomber and the X-47B drone.

Chris Hernandez, Northrop’s vice president for research, technology and advanced design, laid out the basic parameters for the sixth-gen fighter (Northrop refers to it as NG Air Dominance): it must boast long range because it’s unlikely to have many bases to operate from overseas; it must “carry a lot of weapons;” survivability will be key.

What do those requirements and physics lead you to? “This looks a lot like a baby B-2 and this is really getting into our sweet spot,” Hernandez told us. Northrop Grumman has two design teams working on the new aircraft. Northrop’s top aerospace systems executives, who offered reporters a rare glimpse at the company’s inner workings here, would not discuss the plane’s speed, saying that would have to wait for clearer direction from the Pentagon in the future.

More News On Northrop Grumman Unveiling Its Concept For A Sixth Generation Fighter

The stealth superwing: Next generation 'Air Dominance' fighter jet that will have built in laser weapons and could even travel at supersonic speeds revealed -- Daily Mail
Revealed: Future Sixth-Generation Fighters of US Air Force -- Sputnik
Exposed: First Look at Northrop's Sixth Gen Stealth Fighters -- National Interest
The Laser-Toting Tailless Fighter Jet of the Future -- Popular Mechanics
Is this the future of American war planes? -- The Telegraph

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