Germany, ag-freiburg: Racism fight, overcome borders! - Anti Racist Action Day in Karlsruhe on 30th / 31st October (de)

(en) Germany, ag-freiburg: Racism fight, overcome borders! -
Anti Racist Action Day in Karlsruhe on 30th / 31st October (de)
[machine translation]

From 30 to 31 October in Karlsruhe, the Antiracist Action Days will take place. Assisted 
by a local and regional alliance of various groups and individuals, they should send a 
strong signal against racism and for a world without borders. A survey, there are the 
A-mains. For Freiburg there is a common Zuganreise: ---- Saturday, October 31 // 09:30 // 
clock HBF track 2 ---- Following the call of the Anarchist Network West * to the 
Antiracist Action Days in Karlsruhe on 30 and 31 October 2015: ---- Racism from below ----
Racism is raging in Germany: Hardly more a week in the not burn a planned or already 
partially inhabited refugee accommodation. Are Everywhere "No to Home 'initiatives which
are against the accommodation of fugitives, founded. Often behind this squad from NPD, 
neo-Nazi parties like micro The third way or the party's rights and activist * inside the 
free comradeship scene.

These initiatives, however, it is possible in many places with the organized of them 
openly racist demonstrations and vigils far beyond the usual neo-Nazi environment to 
mobilize beyond. What social science studies found long ago - a not inconsiderable part of
the German population is divided racist, anti-Semitic, and social-chauvinist antiziganist 
settings - but not previously exhibited in election results or fascist right-wing populist 
parties, manifests itself now on the road. Among the sea of flags of Germany PEGIDA and 
its offshoots, the updated version of the authoritarian personality gathered - the 
so-called "concerned citizens" or "asylum Critics" - a conformist revolt against the 
supposed threat of "un-German". These "concerned citizens" come from the so-called 
mainstream of society and lagging somewhat sympathize with the right-wing populist 
alternative for Deuschland (AFD) than with open radical right-wing parties and groups.

Encouraged by this right mass movement on the streets below militant fascist * inside more 
often to act. A major recipient of attacks are Escaped, Muslim * inside, Roma and Jew * 
interior, but also the homeless, long-term unemployed, LTGBIQ * -people and left come 
increasingly targeted. In addition to demonstrations, vigils, visiting citizens * indoor 
gatherings a "mass militancy" of law, which in almost weekly arson attacks on refugee 
shelters, the intimidation of political opponents * inside and riots manifested by pogroms 
(Freital, Heidenau) developed.

This development is also far from being a pure east phenomenon: In Baden-Württemberg there 
are PEGIDA offshoot in Karlsruhe (most recently resistance Karlsruhe) and 
Villingen-Schwenningen. NPD, the rights, The Third Way and the Identitarian movement 
trying - to launch local "No to Home" campaigns - albeit so far without much success. This 
year there have been numerous attacks on refugee homes and attacks on Escaped u. A. in 
Waiblingen, Linkenheim-Hochstetten, Rheinstetten, Malterdingen, Aspach, Dettingen unter
Teck, Reutlingen, Sindelfingen, Sontheim, Bad Krozingen, Wendlingen am Neckar , 
Limburgerhof, Engen, Calw, Oppenheim, Remchingen, Radolfzell, Ellwangen, Balingen, 
Weissach im Tal, Rottenburg am Neckar, Riedlingen and Wertheim. In addition, the NPD was 
trying to open its new office in Baden-Wuerttemberg in the Swabian Alb in the immediate 
vicinity of Landeserstaufnahmestelle for Refugees in Meßstetten. Her national convention 
to be held in northern Baden Weinheim. For AFD chances in the regional elections next year 
to get over the 5% threshold not too bad.

Racism from above

However, the racist * in on the street radicalize it only what is already practiced 
anyway. The sort of people based on their origins

racism is an ideology - a false worldview - in which people on the basis of external or 
cultural characteristics of the racist * inside a particular Group assigned to them 
unchangeable and then certain, mostly negative characteristics about awarded. This 
discrimination and most economic domination and exploitation are justified. The long 
dominant form of "classical", biologistic argumentative racism transformed increasingly 
into a culturalist argumentative racism. Meanwhile referenced rather less on 'race' or 
genes, but more on the alleged "culture" of a human being in order to classify it either 
as a social "enrichment" or as "disruptive".

In the current refugee debate here a distinction of fugitives is carried out in two 
groups: To stand on one side "useful" Immigrant * inside, well trained, the German economy 
serve, as well as "war refugees". Who does not fall in these categories, which is defamed 
as "economic refugees" or "sham asylum seeker" who would the asylum system "abuse" and to 
be deported as soon as possible. The German deportation, which is supported by the Greens, 
the SPD and the CDU, works by precisely this inhuman proviso.
But this distinction between legitimate and nichtlegitimen flight reasons is racist. It 
serves to justify the discrimination and deportation of most of the fugitives. In 
Baden-Württemberg the roomy Roma from the Balkans, which escape from discrimination and 

The pressure on the street also shows already at the state level action: The law "for the 
redefinition of the right to stay and the termination of residence" was recently the next 
tightening of asylum law with votes from the SPD and the CDU decided. Apart from a few 
concessions for people with residence status at the same detention, entry and residence 
bans and expulsions to current official practice will be.

The green-red state government in Baden-Württemberg exceeds meanwhile their black and 
yellow previous government in terms of state racism to lengths not only was it this year 
no Winterabschiebestopp - which meant that many refugees with no possessions were deported 
in mid-winter in homelessness - or that Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Green Party)
explained to safe countries of origin through his voice in the Bundesrat Serbia, Macedonia 
and Bosnia - which means that asylum applications of Escaped from these countries are 
"obviously" groundless rejected as though the rampant there Antiziganism many Roma living 
there impossible proven to live in dignity. No, even with the number of deportations to be 
padded in Baden-Württemberg and not spilled: In the first half of this year, 1080 people 
have been deported against their will from Baden-Württemberg, Bayern only pushes more from.

Racism against Roma

In the campaign against Escaped from the Balkans old resentments are served. It is spoken 
of "bogus asylum seekers", which would come to Germany to here to receive benefits and 
could lead a good life in their countries of origin after their "voluntarily".
Although the makers * inside priority Order here for economic usefulness (unskilled 
workers * inside are currently not used in Germany), in such statements seem old 
antiziganist resentment in updated form: The fugitives from the Balkan countries are as 
nomadic (oscillating between country of origin and Germany), lazy (not willing to wage 
labor), criminal (obtain the grant asylum services) and assozial (take the "real" refugees 
places away) shown. These are allegations that repeatedly Gypsies were made historically 
and - what a surprise - most fugitives from the Balkan countries are Roma. In response to 
the increase in refugee numbers are work and training bans, property rather than cash 
benefits, and a concentration of Balkan refugees in so-called "reception centers" - ie 
special camps - discussed.

Munter will continue to be written on a centuries-old history of persecution and 
discrimination: Gypsies occurred in Central Europe at the beginning of the 15th century 
for the first time in appearance.. Were they greeted first as wandering pilgrims * inside, 
the assessment however changed quickly. The decision of the Reichstag to Freiburg in 1498 
they were officially expelled from the German territories and explained for the first time 
for "outlaws". The central element of antiziganism here is the pursuit of the "Gypsies" 
because they are - allegedly - did not want the compulsion to wage labor, and the 
resulting vagrancy bend, or could. Then in the 18th century there was a biologistic 
racialization of the "gypsies". Galten previously taken part as a kind beggar * inside and 
Vagant * inside, were therefore linked to a particular social situation, they were now 
considered to be members of a "Gypsy race". It was followed by the police detection and 
combat. So since the mid 19th century systematic records were created and Gypsies were the 
target of various reeducation attempts. 1926, entered into Bavaria, the "Act to combat 
Gypsies, vagabonds and work-shy" in force, which allowed every "gypsies" who pursued any 
regular work, in a so-called "workhouse" ward. In Nazism Sinti and Roma were affected by 
the Nuremberg Race Laws. From 1936 it began to intern them in so-called "Gypsy camp". 1938 
was ordered by Himmler, the "final solution of the Gypsy question through the nature of 
that race". The Porajmos, ie the systematic genocide to murder, the aim as "Gypsies" the 
appointed people, began in 1939. The Germans murdered and 1945 hundreds of thousands of 
Roma and Sinti.

In 1953 the state police in Bavaria with old Nazi staff again a "Landfahrer center" built. 
The addition of "ZN" for "Gypsy" has been used in forensics to 1984th Most of the 
survivors of Porajmos were compensated inadequately or not until today. The discrimination 
and exclusion continues to this day. The most common prejudices in the majority population 
are still that Roma beg, steal and would live in caravans. But even more romantic elements 
are included in the Roma stereotype about that would be "gypsies" for unbridled freedom, 
for music and for erotic dance. (Exoticism)

Crisis and racism

In times of crisis of the capital today, everyone is potentially at risk of economic and 
social decline. This has two individual psychology to comprehend consequences:
On one side threatens the bourgeois-capitalist society always latently own About 
liquefaction, so the loss of the possibility of its own reproduction in the form of the 
sale of their own labor by unemployment (whether by illness, age or the next economic 
crisis). This creates existential fears, which have the effect that in the people the 
desire is awakened to look in the seemingly safe and natural community of the nation and / 
or the people protection and solidarity.

This community of the nation and the people allows individuals to satisfy their need for 
capacity against social conditions, which makes you feel helpless. Here the gap between 
ideal ego (the action-enabled autonomous bourgeois subject) and reality (the powerlessness 
against economic processes which are taking place behind the backs of the actors) can be 
closed. One thus missing a narcissistic insult, ie questioning of the own self-esteem.

Social contradictions are the racist and anti-Gypsy world picture now in the form of 
simple in-out contradictions (eg German - "Gypsy") transformed. So phenomena, 
contradictions and problems which are out of themselves (re) produced (eg urbanization, 
individuation, exploitation, monopoly practices, impoverishment, mass unemployment) the
bourgeois-capitalist society the "others" attributed. As a solution to the problem is now 
the expulsion / prosecution of the "others", ie in Antiziganism of "Gypsy" appears. The 
"Gypsy" or fugitives be the scapegoat for everything negative.

Reasons for flight

Antiziganism is widespread mainly in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. The majority of Roma 
has no fixed accommodation, no proper housing. They organize their survival in irregular 
settlements, slums, often without water, sewage and electricity. Life expectancy is 
against the social average correspondingly low, infant mortality is higher by a multiple. 
A regular income is almost never available. In many households there is hardly anything to 
eat for days. Core rights such as the right to housing, food, work, education, etc. are 
not guaranteed. The Roma suffer prejudice, systematic discrimination, marginalization, 
exclusion and violent attacks. Many are subject to permanent expulsion pressure. Police 
evictions of Roma settlements are commonplace. These are the reasons why many come here in 
the hope of a better life in Germany.

Revolutionary Perspective

Racism has many faces: discriminatory slogans and gestures, police checks based on skin 
color, nocturnal deportation, arson attacks and pogroms, discriminatory laws, the 
classification of people according to their economic usefulness. They are fighting all! 
But besides these everyday anti-racist and anti-fascist defensive battles we have to open 
up its own social revolutionary perspective: anti-fascism and anti-racism must be more 
than the defense of the bourgeois-capitalist society. If we want to fight fascism and 
racism sustainably, we must also attack their formation conditions and the capitalist 
socialization, because the best practice to the national community, nationalism and racism 
is still the class struggle, understood as self-intervention by the wage-earning class, 
with the aim of its own abolition!

As anarchists, we reject this bourgeois-capitalist form of society that divides people 
into useful and useless. We oppose this order, which only aims to generate profits and 
where only the capital can move freely and limitless. Poverty, hardship and escape before 
it are not natural disasters, but results of the capitalist system! A system that people 
become homeless next to empty houses or other starves alongside tons of discarded food. A 
system that is not designed to satisfy the needs of people, but everything, whether human 
or natural, exclusively subjecting his murderous logic of exploitation.
We stand for a society without exploitation and oppression, a society without states, 
nations, borders and fences, a company in which you want no man through another man 
prevail. We want the liberal communism, ie a society based on the principles of individual 
and collective freedom, social self-government and the collective satisfaction of needs.
We therefore call for participation in the Antiracist Action Day's on 30 and 31 October 
2015 Karlsruhe on. We make a stand against racism in the state and society, and we are 
promoting the perspective of a society free of domination!
Against any racism! For the libertarian communism! For anarchy!

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