Brazil, 6th Anarchist Book Fair of Porto Alegre (RS): Call for collaboration and proposal activities

(en) Brazil, 6th Anarchist Book Fair of Porto Alegre (RS):
Call for collaboration and proposal activities

This year, the sixth edition Fair Anarchist Book of Porto Alegre will be held on 11, 12 and 
13 December. With the proposal to be a place for debates, workshops, presentations, 
exhibitions, sharing and cohabitation, to strengthen and spread anarchist ideas and also 
raise questions, provoke reflections on the ways of anarchism in the complexity of today's 
world. ---- Invite to all interessadxs people and groups to bring their publications, 
books, fanzines, art, among others, to participate in the organization's FLAPOA VI and 
todxs who want to collaborate with activities proposed for the days of the Fair. There is 
no predetermined formats or topics for the activities, the limit is the creativity of each 
UMX! ---- We also invite those who want to collaborate with the arts for the dissemination 
of posters of FLAPOA VI. The arts of the posters will also be used for the production of 
screen printing on t-shirts during the Fair. We receive all kinds of art without 
restrictions. Only we will observe some practical criteria such as the art of resolution 
for printing.

For those coming from far and need accommodation, please e-mail to the organization of FLAPOA.

Deadline for submission of proposals for activities and arts of the posters: November 15, 

Send your proposals and arts, or ask questions at e-mail:

And follow the news on the Fair blog:

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