Our 2015 Fall Front Porch

Hi, friends!  

I'm not used to greeting you out here, BUT, because Halloween is this weekend, I wanted to show your our little front porch dressed up for the trick-or-treaters.

Let's start on over here, where I put together our fall pumpkin topiary.  I've done these for quite a few years, but since, sadly, my other matching urn broke,  I only got to make one.  Off in the distance, you might see little window box I ordered from Ebay ... we're going to paint it the same color as the shutters on the 2nd floor ... until then, I added a simple bunch of leaves to dress up our window a little bit.

These *nuisance* crows are picking and pecking away at our leafy garland and windows!

And, I couldn't help but to make my signature "BOO" wreath again this year ... hoping that the magnetic hook that is holding it up doesn't come crashing down!

Our little witch is ready to cast her spells, so watch out!

Don't worry ... as you can see, she's a "good" happy witch!

Maybe she can cast a spell and make these large, scary spiders go away!  

They've taken over our house ... and the yard!

Honestly, I love having fun with the creepy crawlers this time of year ... hope our little guests approve!

Thanks for stopping by!

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