"The new Sodom and Gomorrah collapsed like a cheap tent under the weight of its own lies. One by one the zombies were harvested for special dividends. No one questioned the 'system'..."
Rome didn't collapse in a day, it took 8 or 9 Benghazi hearings to finish the job...
Main Street versus Wall Street: Walmart versus Amazon
Two lies for the price of one: "Walmart has a profit problem. Amazon doesn't need profits, they have growth..."
The Dow/S&P have four sectors still near or above all time highs:
3x overvalued brewer stocks: +30% in two months...
"Nothing to see here, move along..."
Philip Morris: Late stage parabolic
Russell 2000: Small Cap:
Madoff's Law: "You can fool all of the sheeple, until there are none left to fleece"