France, Alternative Libertaire: Turkey-Kurdistan, This popular resistance is the spirit of Ayn al-Arab that blows in it" by AL Marseille, AL Montreuil, AL Paris-Sud

France, Alternative Libertaire: Turkey-Kurdistan, This
popular resistance is the spirit of Ayn al-Arab that blows in it"
by AL Marseille, AL Montreuil, AL Paris-Sud (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (

[Photo and audio Reportage] Remarks by Alternative Libertaire in Paris, during the 
demonstration in support of the Kurdish and Turkish left, targeted by the repression of 
the Erdogan regime. ---- The 16, 17 and October 18, AL participated in three days of 
solidarity with the Kurdistan under the military boot, and support for all of the Turkish 
left, also targeted by repression Erdogan. ---- About 3,000 people marched in Paris, 
especially in Strasbourg, 1000 in Marseille, a few hundred to Lorient, Grenoble, Orleans 
and in other regions of France. ---- In Paris and Marseille, AL marched in the libertarian 
pole, behind the banner "solidarity Rojava the Anarchists." ---- Republic Square in Paris, 
several organizations (PCF, NPA, AL, as well as Turkish and Kabyle associations) took the 
floor to the side of HDP.

In Marseille, October 17, 2015 Photo G Marseille LIBERTARIAN ALTERNATIVE ADDRESS

There is a week's horrific attack in Ankara hit the world with amazement, he made more 
than hundred dead, and yet it does not seem that the political scandal that is either 
exposed to its fair measure.

One can not doubt that Erdogan, his government and the AKP are the sponsors or at least 
accomplices of this massacre

While everyone knows that the Turkish government has a fierce repression against the HDP 
and its sister party in Kurdistan, killing or imprisoning its activists by the hundreds,

While everyone knows that under the pretext of fighting against terrorism and against 
Daech, the Turkish state only wants to nip in the bud any political opposition, such as 
that brought PKK and HPD.

The Turkish state seeks only to undermine the foundations of democratic thrust which takes 
place in Turkey, and all to preserve his power, and prevent Turkey to change

However, the HDP door and precisely represents this popular aspiration, while taking the 
party of peace, and opposing the civil war Erdogan is being manufactured.

This therefore is not only a crime against the HDP and his friends not only a crime 
against the Kurds; it is a crime against peace and against the Turks who desire it.

That is why in France we condemn the guilty indulgence of our own rule, which in the eyes 
farm facts about the Civil War strategy Erdogan. Vigilance our major heads of state 
Democrats is low and support for the democratic forces as well, so he surrounded himself 
with the most reactionary fringe to govern Turkey.

For a year, and because of him, the dark coalition seen resurgence in Turkey: 
nationalists, Islamists, nostalgic for the Empire and the Caliphate, deniers of the 
Genocide heirs 1915. All these are enemies of national minorities, enemies rights, 
workers, enemies of freedom of women.

Faced with this reactionary bloc, the only hope is the popular resistance.

A resistance that must unite all those who want to change society;
they are Turkish, Kurdish, Arabic and Armenian;
they are trade unionists, feminists, ecologists and anarchists.

This resistance, she did not see that in Istanbul or Ankara

She lives with the intifada in the towns of Kurdistan,
with the fighting and fighters in the mountains,
with the militia and militia who act in Syria
with the construction of a new society in Rojava.

This popular resistance, that is the spirit of Kobanî blowing into it.

And it scares Erdogan,
he wades in blood but does not know where it goes,
it will lose this war
by talking weapons, he dug his grave.

Long live free Turkey
live free Kurdistan
live the revolution!

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