Gear Closet: Peak Design Capture Pro Camera Clip

One of the things I struggle with the most while on an active trip is how to comfortably carry my large DSLR camera without compromising mobility or sacrificing the ability to keep my hands free. On a strenuous mountain trek it can be incredibly annoying to have a camera slung over your neck, just as it can be tedious and time consuming to have to pull it out of your pack every time you need it. Thankfully, the brilliant team at Peak Design has come up with an excellent solution. The company is well known for designing great accessories for cameras has created a product called the Capture Pro Clip, which makes it easy and convenient to carry your DSLR with you just about anywhere. 

The Capture Pro Clip features two unique elements, the PROplate, which attaches to your backpack, belt, or bag, and an attachment clip that connects to the tripod port on the bottom of your camera. The two pieces than click together to offer a secure way to carry a camera that keeps it out of the way until it is needed, but ensures that it is locked tightly in place without fear of it being dropped while on the trail. This gives you the convenience of always having your camera ready for use, while allowing you to keep your hands free for other activities. 

I recently had the opportunity to put this product to the test while in Alaska, and I found that it was pretty much the solution that I'd been looking for, but didn't know existed. The lightweight, but very durable, clip worked exactly as advertised, keeping my camera locked into place for when I needed it. In fact, the Capture Pro Clip not only put my bulky Nikon DSLR within easy reach, but it held it in such a way that it didn't become a major annoyance either. It wasn't slapping against my body as I moved, nor was it a hinderance in any way to mobility. And since you can easily adjust exactly where the clip is placed, you can find a comfortable position to hold the camera that works best for you. For me, it was on the shoulder strap of my backpack, but it could just as easily have been on my belt too. 

Installation of the clip takes just a few minutes, and Peak Design includes all of the tools you need to do so right in the box. It is best that you lock it into place before heading out into the field however, as that will give you the time you need to adjust its location if necessary, and make sure that you are comfortable with it before setting out on a trip. It also gives you a chance to test the Capture Pro's release mechanism, which is easy to get the hang of, but can be a bit slow at first. Getting acquainted with how it works ahead of time will save you a bit of frustration later. 

Adventure travelers and photographers will love the level of convenience that this product brings to the table, For me personally, it is simply a better way to carry your camera that doesn't compromise on your ability to get the right shot. On top of that, it allows you to hike, climb, and even jog without a heavy camera body getting in the way. It short, it is an efficient way to keep your camera close at hand, ensuring that you won't miss a single shot.

Peak Design offers the Capture Pro Clip for $79.95, and for my money that is the best option for active travelers. But if you're looking for similar performance while saving a few dollars, the standard Capture Clip is available for $59.95 instead. While not quite as durable as the Pro model, it offers similar performance at a value price. 

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