Normal schools and school Ayotzinapa ---- Normal schools are appeared in the 30s in
Mexico. Single-sex universities, women or men, they aim to train students in communities,
often of indigenous origin, so that they can then become masters ess within communities
and participate in their development. These schools are attached to the FECSUM, the
federation of socialist students and peasants of Mexico. Often very poor, students are
highly politicized and involved in their communities. Students can learn or practice the
different dialects used in communities in order to teach more. Normal Ayotzinapa school,
located in the state of Guerrero, in the town of Tixla Guerrero, is known to be a
development of the social movements of home. Students come too close states (Oaxaca,
Puebla, DF etc ...) are very committed politically and loudly demanding their rights.
Important figures of social revolts, activists and guerrilla leaders of armed groups
(include Lucio Cabañas and Genaro Vásquez Rojas) studied at Ayotzinapa, which was widely
reused bad wisely by government propaganda to violently suppress any rebellion under the
guise of protection.
Ayotzinapa is a non-mixed school for boys, it houses 539 students, 39 teachers and six
interviews agents. Since its founding in 1926, 88 teachers from generations could give
lessons to about 40 million students throughout their careers. The Mexican government has
been trying for several years to limit the possibilities of education in normal schools,
not seeing a positive view of such development centers with a critical mind towards their
capitalist policies. So today, it hardly subsidizes Ayotzinapa, the school works with 35
pesos / day per student, that is to say, EUR 2 for food, school supplies and clothes
students. Students regularly take to the streets to demand their basic right to education,
in dignified conditions. They demand improving their conditions of studies, more money for
them to study and renovate school premises, where they sleep, study and live. They also
defend the learning methods, challenged by the Government, normal schools with the
particularity to mix theoretical and practical learning, especially agricultural, to
facilitate the involvement in the development and aid in communities.
The grapes of the revolt
The highlight of revolts occurred on September 26: eighty students from the Rural Normal
School of Ayotzinapa, will march against the education reform in Iguala. They were trying
to raise money to join the ranks of Mexico who was about to commemorate the 48th
anniversary of a students killing perpetrated by the PRI (Institutional Revolutionary
Party back to power in these dark hours) October 2, 1968 in the Mexican capital, where
demonstrators · 1500 E · s never reappeared after 29 minutes of incessant shooting on the
military instead Tlatelolco. On September 26, the demonstration degenerated because of the
violent actions of the police. The mayor of Iguala, Jose Luis Abarca, corrupt and
suspected of links to drug trafficking, would like to mark the occasion and minds of young
protesters. The public transport bus that protesters had confiscated in the evening have
been targeted by municipal police officers. Result: three dead and twenty-five wounded.
The agents also attacked a bus carrying players from a local football team and a taxi,
making three additional victims.
Witnesses saw dozens of students to be embarking on federal police trucks (equivalent of
the national police) and municipal. 57 students go missing, only 14 will reappear.
Although 28 charred bodies were discovered in a pit on the outskirts of the city and two
members of the Guerrero Unido cartel allegedly involved in the abduction alongside the
police, claim to have killed 17 of them, the Formal identification of bodies yet to be
proven and 43 students are still missing. One of them was even found, left for dead, the
skin and the eyes gouged face. After the arrest of 22 policemen, the cartel has
threatened, if they were not released, to start "by disclosing the names of the people who
supported us in the government ... the war began: Guerreros Unidos". The mayor of Iguala,
Jose Luis Abarca and his wife Maria of Los Angeles Pine, had fled, fearing the cartel, and
the anger of parents of students, came to attack the town of Molotov cocktails suddenly,
two days after that the mayor had ordered the attack demonstrators. They were both
arrested and charged in November.
Despite the violence of their actions and certainty as to the involvement of police and
government authorities in the kidnapping and killing of students, political spheres are
still trying to convince public opinion that the current situation is normal and has
consequences of the militant student involvement. They try and manage to justify their
actions with some by misinformation. Since then, the struggle of the survivors and the
fathers and mothers to require students living reappearance of the disappeared 43 has
turned into one of the largest and most radical mobilisations that Mexico has seen in
these last years. It symbolizes the rejection of the situation of total impunity of
military, police and drug cartels covered and protected by the authorities (around 100 000
people were executed during the last ten years and more than 20 000 people identified as
missing, not counting the numerous cases of unresolved rapes and often involving military
or police).
"¡Los Vivos is llevaron, los vivos queremos!" Alive they took us, we want them alive!
Since then, the missing parents and pupils of the school Ayotzinapa have been constantly
fighting to trace the 43 students and called the Mexican social movement to totally reject
the electoral process which was held on Sunday, June 7, legislative and local elections,
in which 500 deputies, nine governors and 900 municipal councils were to be elected in
Mexico. Call to concretely express the popular rejection of corruption, repression and
exploitation implemented by the entire political class of the country and establish
popular councils so that the people regain control of its locations life. Significant
movements of strikes have also reported in different regions, March 17, tens of thousands
of workers agricultural Baja California (50,000 strikers according to a dispatch from the
Associated Press March 24) even if there is no direct link, it shows the current climate
of popular forces in Mexico.
Burn the ballot boxes!
In the city of Oaxaca, the teachers' union CNTE burned 13,000 ballot papers and ballot
boxes at an office of the National Electoral Institute (INE). In the region and
surrounding states (Guerrero, Oaxaca, Puebla, Chiapas ...) there are hundreds of thousands
of ballot papers that were stolen or burned. "The dignity of the people will not allow
ballot boxes to be installed because we lack 43 students of normal, because justice has
not been done for the people killed, because we have political prisoners, because 'there
is no democracy, because no political party represents us and because it is the INE,
through the elections that brought to power political candidates linked to drug
trafficking, "informed us in a statement Tixtla the Popular Council, on 31 May. In
response, they are no less than 40,000 soldiers and federal police men were deployed by
the government of Enrique Peña Nieto in the states of Oaxaca (16,000), of Chiapas,
Guerrero and Michoacan. During protests, repression has struck again strong, making
énormémement injured, civils and students is always taken targeted.
Antonio Vivar Díaz, student and activist, defined as leader by the police during the
clashes, thus shot dead for daring to protest. Mexican President (Enrique Peña Nieto) will
visit France on July 14, guest of honor of the national holiday in Holland. The program,
among other sale by France of twenty military troop transport helicopters and other
military trading sales agreements yet to be confirmed. We also note the proposal to form
new Mexican police units, using a model derived from the French gendarmerie, given our
efficiency in dealing with problems of terrorism ... But according to the Common Position
that France adopted with European countries in terms of arms exports, "Member States deny
an export license if there is a clear risk that the military technology or equipment to be
exported might be used for internal repression". The document is signed by the hand of
Bernard Kouchner in 2008, when he was Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, which then
held the Presidency of the European Council. Besides the European countries are supposed
to exercise "of particular prudence with regard to the issuing of licenses to countries
where serious violations of human rights were recognized by the relevant United Nations
(... ) ", which is precisely the case with Mexico. On paper, all the conditions are met
for a suspension of arms exports to Mexico.
We wish to express our support to all those in struggle for their rights in Mexico,
against imperialism, capitalism and the omnipotence of the states and corrupt political
classes. Justice Ayotzinapa! Justice for all State crimes!?
Pierre Bastien, Lyon Group
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» France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups - Libertarian resistance 1 - PEÑA NIETO ¡BASTA YA! The revolutionary situation in Mexico
France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups - Libertarian resistance 1 - PEÑA NIETO ¡BASTA YA! The revolutionary situation in Mexico
France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups - Libertarian resistance 1 - PEÑA NIETO ¡BASTA YA! The revolutionary situation in Mexico (fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (