For the kids birthdays this year I didn't want to do any big parties or things with friends. I think i wore myself out last year and the idea of doing it every other year is sounding pretty good. So this year on Scarlett's birthday we just kind of did our regular thing with a few exceptions. The main ones being that we made a special breakfast and tried to make her extra happy all day.
Then for dinner we went to Red Robin like she requested.
Then we came home and opened presents. I was pretty excited about her presents this year and had a hard time waiting myself.I love the look of pure joy in this next picture. She is ecstatic to get her own giant candy bar.
We got her a doll so now her and Penelope both have one more grown up doll. And you can't see very well in the picture but she is wearing her new Anna apron (more on that later).For the cake Scarlett requested a pink cake. I surprised myself at how quickly I was able to whip this up. Usually I spend a lot longer. Maybe I should start having my kids just choose a color instead of a whole cake theme.
She had a fun day and is excited to now be 4.