Penelope's class went first. Unfortunately she wouldn't say her part. I was disappointed because she knew it really well at home. Her teacher even tried to whisper her part in her ear but she would say it. She whispered "I don't want to" and the microphone picked it up so everyone heard it and laughed. It was cute but I think she was embarrassed. After that she wouldn't even sit with her class and sing. She sat with Bob the rest of the time. It didn't help that her class was not on the stand but ground level in front and Bob was also sitting in front to watch. Once sacrament ended she still wanted to give her part so I went up with her and she said it as everyone was leaving. Then after sacrament meeting she went home and threw up. I'm not sure if it was the nerves or something else, but she was fine after that.
Tucker did great on his part. His teacher tried to help him but he told her no because he had it memorized. I could also hear him singing the songs. I teach in primary so I was also up front but in the back so I only saw the back of his head. Maybe one day I'll be able to actually watch my kids in the primary program
Scarlett is too young, but she wanted to say a part anyway.
Come back tomorrow for family picture tips!