Hi, comarades from Cuba are inviting people or stort-video contribution for their upcoming
a-gathering. ---- Taller Libertario Alfredo López, Cristo Salvador, and Guardabosques,
invite you to the II Libertarian Spring Conference in Havana, that will take place between
May 29 and June 7 2015. A space open to antiauthoritarian and anticapitalist processes
and dynamics, that contribute to forms of socialization and consciousness based on
horizontal relations, mutual learning and responsibility. ---- We are looking forward to a
gathering that evokes, as its name suggests, libertarian ideals whose roots seek the key
components towards new beginnings and follow new routes towards explorations and the
possibilities of struggle and transformation. ---- We invite you to participate right away
with inspirations and ideas that help generate the thematic frame of the event. Ideas will
be welcomed with all the love that is awakened by honest gestures against oppression.
We will wait for your response, and we thank beforehand your help in the promotion of this
Information and Contact: primaveralibre@riseup.net
One of the lines of discussions will be to identify the opportunities and the risks of the
new approach between Cuba and US governments, but from workers and common people
perspective. Your considerations about this topic could be a great contribution to our
debate. We need to know how anarchists, libertarians, or revolutionary people have
received this news at US.
In case you decide to come, maybe we can find a cheaper place for you to stay. We also
recommend you to bring a sleeping bag or a tent, since one of our activities will be
staying in a natural space next to a river, for one night. We don’t have tents, so if you
bring one, you could help sharing your space with some other fellow. One of our lines of
interest is to promote a different relationship with Nature.
Anyway, if you couldn’t come, it would be nice to receive a very brief greeting video from
you or your collective (15-20 sec). We intend to present these greetings from comrades
from other countries during the opening day.
You can also propose any other way you want to participate in the event.
So, thank you again for your contact. It will be great if we could start a strong
Greetings from La Habana
Isbel Díaz Torres
Friendship Committee of 2nd Havana Libertarian Spring
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