The following is based on observations of different organizations, local groups and
unions. While sometimes different ways work in different circumstances, I feel there are
some practices which get organizations off track and some that are useful for moving
forward. In all cases I am speaking about smallish sized organizations which have yet to
develop as a union but would like to. Organizations which are larger or have certain
experience tend to have different issues. ---- 1. Establish goals. ---- The most important
thing is to realize that our (very) long term goal of creating a libertarian society is
just that – a long term goal. We need to promote and work towards it. But we also need to
set more immediate goals and shorter-term goals which relate to practical activity. This
is important because people need to see that anarchosyndicalism is not just a nice dream
that doesn’t work now.
It is a mistake to think that attracting more people should rely mostly on promoting a
theory. The best way to attract people is to decide how you can put your theory into
practice in the here and now and get something working. But in order to do this, you have
to scale down your theory. Scaling it down does not mean watering it down. In no way do I
mean depoliticize what your organization stands for. I mean that you have to find a way
that what you do reflects your goals and can be expanded on.
A scaled down goal then could be to create self-managed unions working on
anarchosyndicalist principles. These can be of modest size and still can have effect. A
union can also be of general membership and work in various professions or workplaces; it
doesn’t need to be only in one. Once they become known or start to have effect, you will
have to do a lot less work to attract people. People will start to seek you out at some point.
A starting point is to think of some possible project that would be most likely to bring
attention to your organization and involve people who would like to do something concrete
in their work place or concerning a more widespread labour problem. Having a project like
this helps the organization to focus, to learn better organizing skills, to develop skills
related to critical reflection and to come into contact with more members of the public
who can sympathize with you or join.
It is important to choose a project or campaign that is realistic given your current
capacities or some capacity you could reach in the immediate future.
2. Working towards the goals
If you don’t have a realistic short-term goal and projects or campaigns to help you
realize it, you run the risk of being all over the place. Some organizations meet every
week, without any really set agenda or working plan and just chat or react to some current
matters, for example, current matters in politics or campaigns of other organizations or
on other issues. This is not a good way to stay focused.
Meetings need to be regular. Well-planned meetings set agendas in advance and allow people
who cannot attend a chance to provide input. It is important to write minutes. Minutes can
be reviewed regularly, for example, after every 6 months, to see how meeting time is spent
effectively or not.
It is a bad practice to let everything in the world come up at the meeting. If you don’t
have your own business to discuss at the meeting and are just waiting for somebody to come
along and bring their topic, it means you haven’t set out a campaign very well. Setting
out the campaign means giving concrete tasks to people to do over reasonable periods of
time, and reporting back regularly on the progress.
In order to stay focused, anarchosyndicalist organizations need to remember that they are
different than anarchist organizations. While any organization may be interested in some
other issues, the time you spend in the organization should reflect your main focus and
goals. In other words, don’t get off on a million topics and don’t spend the majority of
time on political issues and movement issues that are not related to the workplace if you
claim workplace organizing is a priority.
3. Talk to people, not to yourself.
The webpage or printed organs of the organization say a lot to people who check you out.
Since people are all different, ideally things would be geared towards different types of
people. But it is important for people to know that your anarchosyndicalism relates to the
here and now, not to some pie-in-the-sky post-revolutionary society.
For this reason, there have to be articles aimed mostly at people who are not from any
movement, as well as ones that show how our organizations work in reality, not only in theory.
Focusing too much on history or using a lot of notions which are understood only by a
narrow group of people limits your contact with people and give an impression that these
things are theoretical, not things to be practiced now.
Webpages and printed organs should be scrutinized in this regard. This doesn’t mean that
there cannot be more theoretical publications. But without something that focuses on
practical applications of our ideas, we are less likely to inspire people.
Speaking of inspiring people, it is very important to have face-to-face contact. At the
beginning, it is more important to have open events and these events again should tend to
focus on practical organizing rather then things like the Spanish Revolution. Hearing
tales about revolutions may be very interesting but it doesn’t make the difference between
whether your organization remains a propaganda group or becomes a functioning union, even
on a modest scale. Having meetings which allow more interaction and planning ways that new
people can join in the organization’s activity is very helpful.
This is just for a start and the tip of the iceberg, but maybe these things are most
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» US, WSA, Ideas & Action - Want to Build an Anarchosyndicalist Organization? By Ann Kij