Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac - Landslide

One of the early Fleetwood Mac classics, first recorded way back in 1975, written when Stevie Nicks was experiencing some major changes in her personal and professional life.

This recording is from two decades later, in 1997 in a live performance. Her introductory comment "This is for you, Daddy," refers to her father, who was in the audience that night.

Well, I've been afraid of changing,
'cause I've built my life around you.
But time makes you bolder -
Children get older -
I'm getting older too

Reposted in 2009 after discovering another version of "Landslide," this one performed by the students of PS22 in New York City. I still prefer the Stevie Nicks version, but this one has a certain charm...

Reposted again for 2018.

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