old black &whites

I came across this photo on-line and it made me think of a client/photographer that I once provided cat-care for.
There was a wall very similar to this in her home and it was mesmerizing.
I loved it. How intriguing and all-encompassing that room was.

Every photo that meant something to her was displayed. I'll never forget it. I spent a lot of time cuddling her cat while taking in the beauty of all the pictures.
I remember coming home and going straight to a box of old black and white photos I had on a shelf. I picked out my favorites and the next day bought a beautiful fabric board and displayed them in the office.

This was always my most treasured one.

My mom and her cat. She was 21 years old standing on the road in front of the property we now own. She passed away at 78 and is gone 17 years now. Did the apple fall far from the tree? No.

I know I was blessed to be her daughter and she is always in my heart.

Today is the retired-guys' birthday. A milestone it is; the big 60. Plans are being made to celebrate his big day this weekend along with our grand-daughter, Gwynn's first birthday.
Should be lots of fun. I think he wants to go out tonight for a steak and beer so I'd better get presentable. No cooking....yah!

Have a great night.

hugs, Deb

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