It's not Spring yet

Jetta sat at the door as I was unlocking it. I could see his gorgeous face watching the door-knob turn.
I 'm sure he had been thinking, "Where is that lady with the thumbs?. She should be here by now." He followed me into the kitchen and serenaded me with his huge purr. He was rewarded with a big bowl of stinky goodness and a kiss on the head.
 I reminded him how lucky he is to be in-doors on this stormy day. If there is one thing I know for sure about Jetta it is that he loves to be spoken to.
Well, if you could see the snow that fell over-night you and Jetta would understand that it took a wee bit longer to get out the driveway today.
The trees are covered again and the walks look clean and white. It's pretty but annoying to drive in.
Our Kane still likes the snow if it is not too cold outside. I watched him bury his nose in the snow and then throw it up above his head. He doesn't spend too long playing by himself as he would rather be with us so before long his pleading face was at the sliding door again. "Let me in...I've missed you."
                                          Ha! Look at that mug. He almost blew off the deck.

I'm dusting again on this cold, windy, snowy, blowy day.
The cupboard does have doors that are always closed but I just like playing with dishes.

My company today is Little 'ol Lily. She is doing ok, since we were told she had a heart condition, and making them eat their words at the vet clinic. They did not expect Lily to live much longer. She is thin but she loves her food, loves her teenie bit of milk at breakfast, loves to sit and purr on my lap at night and she really loves her mate, Mr. Ed. I guess between all of that she has a will to live and carries on. She is 18 now.
I'm really enjoying my white dishes lately. I love that you can mix other colours with them and change the whole look. The little white plate with the grey cat was a gift from a friend. The cat always reminds me of one of our own that passed away years ago. Her name was Sassy and sassy she was.

Thank you for all your nice comments on my last post.

hugs, Deb

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