Poached Eggs in Spicy Tomato Sauce

Dave does not eat breakfast, as much as I've lectured  explained that it is the most important meal of the day, he can't eat in the morning.  Funny thing is, breakfast food is his favorite, so we have breakfast for dinner a couple times a month.  Sometimes it helps with our meatless meal for the week.

I really do want Dave to live a good, long time; so I can annoy him as long as possible.  We had poached eggs in tomato sauce.  In Mason's words, "It doesn't look very good, but it smells amazing."  I use tomatoes I roast and can or freeze and one can of tomato sauce as the base.  I like to add garlic, onions, ancho chili powder and worcestershire sauce and simmer for about 30 minutes to thicken before I poach the eggs in the sauce.  You can add what every you like...roasted chilies, bell pepper, diced zucchini...  Sometimes I serve with warm bread, sometimes with corn or flour tortillas.  Dave doesn't even complain there is no meat!

I cook my egg and Mason's eggs first because we like our yolks hard.
Dave likes runny yolks, so his go in last.
Poached Eggs in Spicy Tomato Sauce
more of a suggestion than a recipe

1 large onion, diced
olive oil
2 cloves garlic
2 cups roasted tomatoes, cut with scissors to make small pieces or 1-2 cans of diced roasted tomatoes
1 14 oz. can tomato sauce
1 Tbsp. worcestershire sauce
1/4-1/2 tsp. ancho chili powder, depending on your taste
salt and pepper to taste

Over medium heat, sauté onion in olive oil about 5 minutes until translucent and soft. Add garlic and cook about 1 minute, stirring constantly.  Add tomatoes, tomato sauce, worcestershire sauce, and chili powder.  Simmer over low heat about 20 minutes.  Taste sauce and add salt and pepper.  Make a small hole or pocket and crack egg into hole, repeat for the number of eggs you desire.  Simmer, covered until eggs are done to your liking.  Serve with toast or tortillas.

August 28, 2014  Sunrise 6:19 am  Sunset 9:23 pm  Temp H 64/ L 46°F

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