One of the nicer places we visited last week and two weeks ago was Gardiners Bay at the Eastern end of Long Island. Pictured above is the Dutch windmill that had been positioned on the private island called Gardiners Island by its owners whom has ancestors from the Netherlands. Since the island is private and had so been for the past 400 years (owned by only one family at all times) we couldn't step ashore. But anchoring in the water outside and going for a swim is an option as ocean water, at least for now, can't be bought.
"Gardiners Island... is the only real estate intact in the United States that is part of an original royal grant from the English Crown. The Island has survived Indian wars, pirates, invasion by British forces, war, and family issues. It is home to more than 1,000 acres of old growth forest, the largest stand of white oak trees in the Northeast, 1,000 acres of meadows, rare birds, Indian artifacts, and structures that date back to the 17th century." Read more on Hamptons.com