"Zoo jeans" explained

A New Yorker column explores "sartorial slumming" -
It now appears, according to an article on the British Web site The Conversation, that jeans savaged by wild animals are a trend in designer sportswear. A Japanese denim brand had the bright idea, at least for raising its profile, of sewing indigo-dyed cotton fabric around rimless tires, sausage-shaped bolsters, and fat rubber balls, and throwing the objects to the inmates of the Kamine Zoo... When the fabric has been properly “distressed”—i.e., mauledit is retrieved from the enclosures and made into trousers that are sold under the label Zoo Jeans...

Three pairs of the jeans were auctioned, on July 7th, at a benefit for the zoo. The bidding on “T-1,” a model “designed” by the tigers, reached twelve hundred dollars... The destination of the other jeans seems to be upscale department stores, although a buyer at Selfridges, in London, complained that the rips were “too sporadic.” ..

A writer on Hypebeast suggests duct-taping new jeans to the tires of your car before driving around the block. “Do a couple [of] donuts, burnouts, etc. … then rotate and repeat.”
More at the link. 

Photo credit  Clint Brewer/Splash News/Corbis.

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