World : Top Stories from LGBTQ Nation for 07/13/2014

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In the 07/13/2014 edition:

How punk music and feminism changed a young life

Jul 13, 2014 04:30 pm
Rudy-GarciaRudy Garcia of East L.A. says that when he was young, he never quite felt like the "normal" kid. Although his migrant parents pressured the youngest of their eight children to be the embodiment of the American dream, Rudy was more interested in punk-rock music, feminism, and 'zine culture. "Everything that I was into was also very not received well by my family...
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Christian university expels student for marrying her same-sex partner

Jul 13, 2014 04:00 pm
Christian MinardOKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. -- An Oklahoma college student just one semester away from completing her degree has been expelled by a Christian university for marrying her same-sex partner. Christian Minard says she received a letter from Southwestern Christian University in Bethany, Okla., notifying her of her expulsion after marrying her partner...
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Holder: DOJ prepared to urge Supreme Court to strike down gay marriage bans

Jul 13, 2014 12:00 pm
U.S. Attorney General Eric HolderU.S. Attorney General Eric Holder says the Justice Department is prepared to urge the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down same-sex marriage bans across the country should the high court take up one of the challenges currently before the federal appellate courts.
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Olympic gold medalist Ian Thorpe: ‘I’m comfortable saying I’m a gay man’

Jul 12, 2014 11:00 pm
Ian ThorpeAustralian Olympic swimming champion Ian Thorpe comes out as gay in a television interview airing Sunday evening in Australia, reports the Daily Telegraph. Thorpe's announcement follows more than a decade of denials — the first of which came just as his career skyrocketed at the Sydney 2000 Olympics, when he was just 15.
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Recent Articles:

Christian university gets religious exemption to deny transgender student housing
Italian mayor wants to ban public kissing between same-sex couples
Toronto mayor Rob Ford casts lone vote against LGBT homeless shelter proposal
Pa. county clerk not abandoning fight to appeal same-sex marriage ruling
World Heath Org advises taking PrEP drug to prevent HIV infection


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