Emmet Lego Head Cake DIY Tutorail

Tucker really wanted an Emmet cake for the party and after looking at all the crazy cakes we decided on just making an Emmet Lego head cake from the Lego movie.  It was fairly easy because there was no sculpting involved, and the frosting was even pretty simple.  I think I could have gotten a much more clean look with fondant, but for this cake I decided to go with a basic butter cream frosting.

three baked 6" round cakes
yellow butter cream frosting
chocolate frosting
white frosting

1) The first step is to bake your cake.  I used 1/2 cake mixes from a box and baked them into three 6" pans.  After making it Emmet's head looked a little tall so next time I might even do just one cake mix and two 6" rounds.
2) Next, just stack the cake.  I put buttercream frosting in between the layers.  I also put three straws in the top and pocked them all the way down.  It probably wasn't necessary but I've had cakes tip before and I didn't want to risk it.
3) After they are stacked I used food coloring and turned my buttercream yellow.  I frosted the entire thing yellow.
4) Next I used chocolate frosting and added a thick layer of hair on his head.  I made sure do to sideburns but I made the front and back the same.  We wanted two faces on our Emmet cake.
Check it out.

5) Lastly I used left over frosting to draw on the face.  Technically I should have used black, but black frosting is hard to make so I just went with brown.  The kids didn't care one bit.
I felt like it was a bit sloppy but Tucker LOVED it and that was the point.

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