Mid June we enjoyed a trip to the zoo with my sister and her two boys, plus my friend Kori and her two boys. It was a super fun trip and we wore those boys out that day!
Enjoy the cute pictures I got!
{"Look mom, I can be a flamingo!"} |
{My boys ALL love their Aunt Roxanne!} |
{They play lion sound effects-- pretty scary-- and Milo hates them! Poor baby!} |
{When Wyatt saw the baby lion cubs all laying together he said, "They look like a family!"} |
{These two talk to each other in their tiny voices and it's the cutest thing ever!} |
{"Mom, look! They're snuggling!"} |
{We all wanted to take the chameleon home!} |
This is the stuff I look forward to all year... It was so great to be with two of my best good friends, to laugh and share our parenting experiences with each other, and see all our boys together.
Happy day indeed!