Tucker barely (June 21st) has a summer birthday so I brought cupcakes to his class a little bit early. Having a summer birthday myself I know the pain of not getting to celebrate in school, so I want to make sure to Tucker doesn't have any issues with it. With the release of the Lego movie coming up Tucker is all about legos right now. So I made easy lego cupcakes. These were seriously so easy and I think they turned out great!
Cake mix and all its ingredients
Lego candies (found in bulk at Winco)
1). The first step is to bake your cupcakes. I usually do a box mix for convience and this year Tucker once again choose Fun Fetti.
2) Once that is done I quickly frosted them. It might look even more cute if you piped the frosting out in a fun way. But I was busy and was making these just hours before they needed to be at school.
3) Kids love sprinkles! I put the cupcakes close togther and just shook them out onto each cupcake. Some got a little more some a little less. No big deal.
4) Lastly lightly press the legos onto the top of the cupcakes. I think three legos of verging size and color for each cupcake was perfect.
When I got to class the kids instantly knew what was going on and got really excited. Then Tucker and I washed our hands and passed them out to the children. They sang happy birthday with lots of extra things at the end of the song that I didn't know. And after Tucker took the first bite everyone dug in. Tucker's entire class loved the cupcakes. Several kids were saying that they were the best cupcakes ever (I think they were a little hyped up on sugar though).
The only downside was we barely had enough. I made 24, 22 of which were eaten at school, leaving two for Penelope, Scarlett, Leon and I to share.