Against the pact responsibility federation Social Agencies called to strike on June 26 at
the very time decided by the confederation. We publish here the strike call tract. While
the debate continues on the relevance these days scattered, the call to strike 24 is at
least a desire to make a real day of struggle. ---- The Covenant kills Safely: Fight ----
Now is the Act must: ---- Covenant of responsibility or Social Security ---- A Covenant
must save France! ---- With torque President of the Republic / President of MEDEF and
responsibility Pact population should expect better days! economic recovery and falling
unemployment insured Elys?e and Matignon use every subterfuge Communication for us sing
the praises of this bright future paved with promises., which will not be required The
responsibility is tens of billions gift for business.
Solidarity is every man for himself in the sauce Gattaz.
A Covenant with counterparties!
- Job Creation, that is to say priority
hiring young people and seniors
- Quality manual, that is to say, improving
classification grids and the fight against
- Recovery of France, ie more
investment France and relocation
Since when hiring a priority
means of job creation. What happened to
the commitment to create a million jobs?
Have you seen your classification grids
Who let more time to
depart from the rule of minimum 24 hours
weekly working?
50000000000 euros, to create
jobs! Counterparties?
"They must be defined at national level and
broken down by occupational sectors "announced
Fran?ois Hollande January 14, noting that
"Observatory counterparties" will be set up!
Knowing that SMIC annual full-time
represents 20,000 EUR 50 billion
thus represent 2.5 million jobs!
State aid to enterprises,
is EUR 110 billion per year according to the
National Council of Industry without
job creation.
CGT Action Week from June 23 to 27, 2014
Do you believe?
Government says ...
The new reductions of 50 billion euros in public spending between 2015 and 2017 to finance
the new employer largesse will lead to job cuts and attacks on our
missions. It is a strategy of weakening our social security.
Who said about the Covenant of Responsibility?
"The margins for companies should not be used to increase dividends to
shareholders or executive salaries. They must serve the investment and employment. "
* Manuel Valls, Prime Minister, National Assembly, April 29, 2014
However, if in 1981, an employee must work 10 days per year on average to pay dividends of
shareholders in 2012, is 45 days were needed
The CGT union resistance,
proposals and struggle.
These are financial assets that should also help
These are the exemptions of contributions must be stopped
This is the 100% support of care through social security that must aim
Pact puts our responsibility
social security Danger
Now Pandora's Box is open:
These are our taxes going to fund social security
compensation measures of the Covenant.
Quite the financing system protection
Social is threatened.
Social Security is the first victim of the pact.
La Branche Family attacked, threatened the RSI.
incidence pact on service rendered to insured:
delisting and cuts benefits
What has been a role
of damping in France since the
beginning of the crisis of debt?
"The choice of a high social protection has
shown its relevance especially in times
of crisis. "
Opinion of the EESC - October 2011 - folder "competitiveness issue
a new model development "
Financing Social Security:
Reduced employment and deterioration! Service
We believe that under the bill
amending financing of social security
savings integrating management of the Covenant,
16,000 jobs will be cut in 2017,
representing 10% of the size of the Social Security all
branches together!
These job cuts will amplify the
degradation of working conditions, and decline
in the quality of services provided to users.
Social Security: the health
is wealth
health spending can increase
life expectancy in good health and play a
leading role in the economy and contribute to
10% of GDP!
The health sector represents 10% of
's workforce healthy therefore benefits
directly to the company by contributing to the creation
of wealth.
Montreuil, June 12, 2014
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