I am linking up with fellow bloggers to celebrate the end of another school year! Tomorrow is my last day of school in my 22nd year of teaching. Wow! I can't believe it's been that long! How old am I?!
Some of the milestones I'd like to celebrate:
My work sharing my Sight Singing Program!
*Started researching last July to see if I could figure out online marketing after years of wanting to figure out a way to share!
*Worked through many technological limitations one step at a time so I could work toward success.
*Started a blog.
*Learned how to use Pinterest to help spread the word.
*Networked with new peers in the online marketing world.
*Participated in Twitter Chats with music colleagues.
*Set up my store at TPT and uploaded my entire 27 week Middle School Sight Singing system one lesson at a time while I taught it.
*Learned to use Finale...finally!
*Started a YouTube Channel to share teaching tips and classroom management tips.
*Led a Webinar for NAFME.
*Was published in Choral Director Magazine and ChorTeach for ACDA.
*Started a Facebook page for the program.
*Applied to numerous state and national conventions to get the word out and share my program with other teachers who can use it. I will begin presenting this summer at Georgia ACDA!
My work at school:
*Led all four singing groups including all 300 un-auditioned students to Superior Ratings in performance and in sight singing at Georgia Music Educator's Association Large Group Performance Evaluation.
*Created a Musical Revue along with my 15 8th grade leaders that raised over $5500 for our music program.
*Created and shared a workshop for my peers at my school to learn about online marketing...hoping to help them pass by some of the roadblocks I encountered as I worked to figure it all out! :)
My Aerobic Gymnastics World:
*I judged the World Series event in Tokyo, Japan in April with some of the best judges and athletes in the world as I continue to nurture and grow in my deep love for this sport that has been such an integral part of my life.
*I went to Canada to share some ideas on the Artistic areas of the sport that, because of my dance and music background, I have strengths in.
*Work with the USA leaders in the sport in meetings and in conference calls to work on an online campaign (using my new limited but improved online marketing skills) to help generate energy in the USA Gymnastics world for Aerobic Gymnastics. It's time to cross-over from fitness and into gymnastics! Social media seems to me to be like a good path!
My Personal life:
*Turned 50. OMG.... Embracing it and learning to enjoy and relish every moment I have with family and friends who want to celebrate life with laughter and silly fun stories and all the rest that comes with a positive approach to living on this planet for the brief time we are here!
*For the first time, my 76 year old father traveled to Atlanta from North Carolina and saw one of the performances of my students! It meant the world to me! He loved it, and said he is going to come every year!
Let's celebrate this journey and the completion of another school year! Link up by clicking the picture at the top of the page!