During A Cyber Attack, What 'Active Defenses' Should The U.S. Deploy??

Defence: The Pentagon will reclassify cyber attacks as an aggressive act if it causes the equivalent loss of life or damage to infrastructure as a conventional military attack. Daily Mail

When Is A Cyberattack A Matter Of Defense? -- Ellen Nakashima, Washington Post

In the debate over how best to defend the nation against cyberattacks, one of the main points of tension relates to the extent to which the government should be able to deploy “active defenses.”

The White House in January blocked draft legislation that would have enabled the National Security Agency or any government entity to monitor private sector networks for computer viruses and to operate “active defenses” to block them.

The monitoring, officials said, would have crossed an Obama administration red line — that there be no government monitoring of private networks. In particular, the phrase “active defense” set red lights flashing.

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My Comment: The Pentagon has made it very clear since last year on how they would want to respond to a cyber attack .... but when it comes to outside the Pentagon's networks, the White House has chosen to look at other options and alternatives .... an approach that I am in agreement with.

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