First pic of Tina after fall from builder's yard

Coronation Street barmaid Tina McIntyre lies motionless on the cobbles after plunging from the balcony of the builder’s yard flat following a dramatic showdown.

Millions of viewers will see the bolshy brunette given some home truths by one of four possible suspects before she crashes to the street below.

The identity of the mystery assailant has had the whole nation guessing and the killer will finally be unmasked in the episode to be screened on Tues May 27th at 9pm.

But the story doesn’t end there - viewers will be shocked by a dramatic twist on Wednesday night. And in the coming weeks the police will start the hunt for the killer - but will they get the right person?

Four potential endings have been screened for the past week on putting Peter Barlow, Carla Barlow, Rob Donovan and Tracy Barlow all in the frame.

And with the killer revealed tonight fans can watch how the episodes were filmed with a behind the scenes special on at 9.30pm - including scenes where Michelle Keegan cried real tears she was so terrified filming the fall stunt.

See also: Who kills Tina? All the news, spoilers, previews, pics, interviews, schedule...

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