AH! Rain

Hi everyone, it has been awhile since I last blogged. It is due to being busy and lazy. I have been a little busy outdoors and got to make another trip up to Hatchers Pass. This time, I was able to drive up a bit further than the last time. I'm feeling pretty good and anticipating my trip to the remote cabin. I am also in the gardening mood as well. I have a few plants started.

Road to Hatchers Pass

This Moose was surprised to see me

When me and a lady friend got as far as we could go, this guy was heading up the hill to do some para- sailing

He had a quite a hike up the hill

He set up a windsock

Took some random photos of rocks and plants up there

Entrance for a ground squirrel

Taking a rest on his way up

He will launch about half way up

Now he is setting up another windsock from the ledge he will launch from

This is presently a working mine

He's waiting for the proper wind to launch in

He did offer to take me for a ride and I declined. I'm adventurous but, not that adventurous

Almost time

Lining up for takeoff


This is so cool, I kinda wished I took him up on his offer

YIKES, he is way up there

Sorry for the blurriness

This is where he landed, just couldn't see him

Probably thinking, Now I have to go up and retrieve my windsock, LOL

On the way back down, spotted another Moose

There is a big fire on the Kenai Peninsula which is a couple hundred miles away and the smoke drifted to my area and discolored the sun

It seems I forgot to take photos of the vegetable plants and the work I did on the inside of the out house. So, will have to do it another day. I will try not to take so long to post again. Hope everyone's Memorial Day was good. I thank all our military past and present for their service and especially those who made that ultimate sacrifice. Take care

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