Hail comrades! ---- We are in the second month of 2013 with a little delay following main
reports this year. ---- X ELAOPA ---- On days 25,26 and 27 January 2013, was the tenth
edition the Elaopa: Latin American Meeting of Popular Organizations Auton?mas.Estivemos
present, discussing ideas, we exchange expences and discussing directions and proposals
for the construction of popular power. ---- The event saw the participation of over 60
organizations. ---- Text triggers the discussion:
http://www.elaopa.org/content/disparadores-x-elaopa ---- Forwards the final plenary
http://www.elaopa.org/content/mais-um-passo-dado-para-integra% C3% A7% C3%
B3n-of-that-fight-0 ---- Journal of the meeting:http://www.elaopa.org/content/jornal-x-elaopa
Popular Resistance (PR-SC)
Was created the Popular Resistance-SC in late December 2012
working within a front of occupancy of homeless in the Great
Florian?polis. In order to support the self-management basis, with prin-
ples of federalism and cooperative formation of the RP-SC, and
their community core, is to take up as a process
political and social organization of struggle and resistance actions.
By bringing together activists who work in one or more popular movements
and unorganized sectors of the population, the trend is
intended to strengthen, within movements that operates a meth-
methodology of work and a certain program, and boosted-
nar organization in various sectors who are still Desor-
Thus, the creation of the Popular Resistance-SC brings in its core,
premise of fighting shoulder to shoulder with the exploited classes
and oppressed, the main objective of building the People's Power for
based, bottom-up, against exploitation and domination. By
common goals with other values and collective practices, different
the logic of authoritarian hierarchy and vanguardism leader.
Get to know RP:
Analysis on the crisis
Security in Santa Catarina
We released a note analyzing the current situation of SC.
Read it at:
Manifestations Anti-Fascists
Underway across the country, religious fundamentalists Pliny Institute
Corr?a and Tradition Family and Property (TFP) on 23 ja-uary
after passing Jaragua do Sul, Blumenau and Joinville, affix
Taram in Florian?polis / SC for the realization of the "Crusade in defense
the family. " Conservatives and reactionaries against the rights of homo-
sex and abortion, homophobic words dictated order.
Along with militant feminist collective LGBTT and independent media
tooth, CABN collaborated with the counter-demonstration and acts
antifascists. There have also been leafleting in locations across
city and dissemination over the Internet. It was estimated by the creation of
one Antifascist Front with collectives and individuals throughout the state
to combat homophobia, discrimination against women, abortion
and collective intoler?ncia.Dos who signed the manifesto anti-homof?-
beak in Florian?polis:
ADEH - Transvestite and Transsexual Association of Greater
Learn more:
Note from the National
Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (CAB)
The Brazilian Anarchist Coordination sent a note to explain
some especifista our conception of anarchism, desmisti
standing stereotypes and clarify misconceptions.
Note in full:
Freedom to prisoners
Politicians in Bariloche!
In decision in X ELAOPA various groups coordinated
Actions of Solidarity with the companions (as) Cooperative 1st M
trapped in Bariloche in Argentina.
Freedom to those already arrested for fighting!
More in:
Primer Group Genre
The texts were produced for internal training seminar
Studies in Gender and Feminism, undertaken by the
Gender Collective Breaking Walls. The group has character trans-
versal in relation to the Working Groups (WG's) developed
the two fronts of the collective (Community and Student) and is
the responsibility of equipping / militants to act on
their places of feminist way, understanding that in all
spaces in which we operate gender oppression is present.
Recomendad?ssima reading!
Is available for download at the following link:
Bookstore 36
The Bookstore 36 was invited to show the books in passing
Swedish band Anchor for Blumenau / SC. It is the first activity of
L36 out of Joinville. Feel all invited to attend.
Itha Institute
The Institute for Anarchist Theory and History (itha) aims
stimulate and bring together basic research on theoretical and historical
Anarchism, in several languages. Several articles and books have
been published on the site. Worth checking out!
Libertarian greetings!
Black Flag Anarchist Collective
ca-bn@riseup.net | http://cabn.libertar.org
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