The only remaining task needed to make the 36 an operating car is to change out the compressor, as we have mentioned previously. To do this, rusted bolts under the car need to be torched, so this will have to be done over the pit. Rod is very supportive, and we agreed on what needs to be done. Mostly, the 36 needs to be wyed so the compressor is on the south side of the car. And before that can be done, we needed to do some more switching, but more about that later.
In the morning, I started by fixing a seat in the 319 that had come out of its track last weekend. This seat is across from the toilet compartment, and there was originally a stationary bench seat at this location. Probably when the oval window was removed, however, it was replaced by a walkover, but this mechanism is different from all the others, and has been a source of trouble since Day 1. I had thought about replacing it with one of the seats we got from North Freedom, but it's different from those also. So I put in another shim, longer screws, and it seems to work better. We can only hope it will keep on track longer this time.
And then I also managed to get the other diagonal brace installed on the 36's #1 pilot.

Unlike most used book stores you have probably visited, ours has to be ready to move once in a while. Luckily the wheels are factory equipment.

I was busy, and unable to take many pictures of it outside, unfortunately.
After all this was done, we decided to put off switching the CA&E cars around until Saturday. It was just too hot and muggy.
Another thing going on today was the start of the annual woodworker's convention, organized by Bob Kutella. Most of the activities will be this weekend, but registration started today and fans of old woodworking machines were already starting to bring in their equipment.
Another thing I need to do is make a set of lift tabs for the windows in the 36. Here's a picture of one; the dimensions are 1 3/16" x 2 13/16". If anybody would like some made, send me a message and we can share the cost. Tim Peters and Frank Kehoe are my contacts with the foundry in Chicago, and they will be helping with the legwork on this project.
Finally, it's always interesting to see what other museums are doing. Here is a video of our friends at Northern Ohio Railway Museum moving NOTL car 1515, which I'm sure you will find fascinating. I might point out that NORM owns three cars from this series, and the 1515 is the best of the lot. Experts say it can be restored.