Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, takes questions from the audience during a discussion on the military's role in cyberspace and the threat that cyberattacks pose at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., June 27, 2013. DOD photo by D. Myles Cullen
Top Officer Rejects Comparison Of U.S., Chinese Cyber Snooping -- Reuters
(Reuters) - The top U.S. military officer on Thursday dismissed comparisons of Chinese and American snooping in cyber space, saying all countries gathered intelligence on their potential adversaries but Beijing's problematic "niche" was intellectual property theft.
Army General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also said the U.S. government was close to completing an update of its rules of engagement in cyber space and that Americans needed to understand a cyber attack could trigger a real-world military response.
"All nations on the face of the planet always conduct intelligence operations in all domains," Dempsey told an audience at the Brookings Institution think-tank after he was asked about intelligence leaks showing the National Security Agency targeted Chinese institutions for cyber spying.
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More News On General Martin Dempsey Discussing Cyber Threats
DOD Must Stay Ahead of Cyber Threat, Dempsey Says -- US Department of Defense
Dempsey: Cybercom Likely to Continue Gaining Prominence -- US Department of Defense
U.S. military gearing up for cyber wars -- Washington Times
Pentagon Revising Rules for Cyber-Attack Response, Dempsey Says -- Bloomberg Businessweek
US Army reviews rules of engagement over cyber threat --
Gen. Dempsey: Nations Preparing to Engage in Cyberwars on the Rise -- National Defense
Pentagon investing in cyber to stop growing attacks -- USA Today
First DoD Meet With China On Cyber Next Week; Gen. Dempsey Offers Glimpse of Cyber ROE -- Breaking Defense
Dempsey: China Doesn't Think Cyber Theft is Wrong -- Defense News