The NSA Decides To Reveal A Little Bit Of It's History

The cover for a recently declassified NSA report detailing the spy agency's pioneering work in the early computer industry.

Declassified Gov’t Report Details Decades Of NSA Computer Spying -- FOX News

The clandestine National Security Agency is partly responsible for the modern PC era, a newly declassified document reveals, thanks to decades of custom computers built for one thing: espionage.

Declassified by the NSA on May 29 and posted online on Monday, the 344-page report “It Wasn’t All Magic: The Early Struggle to Automate Cryptanalysis, 1930s – 1960s,” details the unknown high-tech history of computers so secretive even their code names were kept confidential.

Until now.

It’s a never-before seen history of code-breaking, spying and its role in the birth of the computer.

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My Comment: And this is what they are declassifying .... I can only assume what is still classified ..... decades after the fact.

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