The first picture shows where Tucker stood for the first two songs. It was a little hard to see him. He was kind of squished back in there and a girl's head, blocked most of him when they sang. I was so happy that Tucker's teacher noticed and moved him for the last two songs.
He was so cute up there singing with his class. I could tell that he was trying really hard. I love him and am so happy that he enjoys school so much and has such a great teacher.
Like their shirts? Everyone made tie dye shirts for their zoo field trip and they wore them last night too. I thought it was a good idea.
One thing I liked about this is that they were 'allowed' to be kindergarteners. No one expected them to hold still and be quiet. They just did 4 very cut songs that all had movement. I think all the kids really enjoyed it. Tucker was especially excited. And he told me they practiced like 6 times everyday.
We were early and got nice front row seats.
Scarlett and Penelope even got to sit with their friend, Tessa.
After the songs we got to see Tucker's classroom and some of the work he's done. I loved these pictures he drew of himself. One was done on the first day of school and one right at the end.
I love how he spelled his name wrong in the first picture and his missing teeth in the second picture. I also noticed he has blue eyes in the second one instead of just black dots. It was funny because he only remembered the second one. He kept pointing to it saying "this one's mine." I had to tell him that they were both his and he didn't believe me at first. He asked why there was a heart on the first one.
Here is Tucker at his desk.
And Tucker in front of the owls. Too see similar pictures when he first started school go here.