(en) CauseCommune Collectif Emma Goldman - Revolts in Turkey: the government has gone too far! + video links (fr)

The street leading to Taksim Square blocked, the space of another possible world opened by 
the barricades. ---- Since a few days now, the Turkish government of the 
Islamic-conservative party Recep Tayyip Erdogan is engaged with several revolts. The 
protest movement is being extended to several Turkish cities around the globe solidarity 
demonstrations were held to support the insurgent-es. Initially, it was to prevent the 
destruction of 600 trees Gezi Park, located in the heart of Istanbul. We must remember 
that the gentrification of downtown was already underway. Indeed, in recent years the park 
has seen reduced to make way for large hotels. ---- The revolt of the Turkish people far 
exceeds the only preservation of the park in question. It is a challenge to the power.

The mega-projects of the Erdogan government (the construction of a giant airport and a 
third bridge over the Bosporus) and social measures (authoritarian excesses, Islamisation 
of Turkish society, restrictions on the use and sale of alcohol, etc..) are far from 
unanimous. Since the re-election of Erdogan in 2007 and 2011, it was strengthened by his 
victories. He has the opportunity to get rid of all against powers. The media who 
criticized are now exploited as the army, justice and bureaucracy serve the government. 
Under the guise of the fight against terrorism, Erdogan ordered the arrests targeted 
parties of the left and far left, unions and students. Each of their events are harshly 
repressed by the police who saw its workforce tripled during the reign of Erdogan. The 
destruction of Gezi Park is the taste which in the last straw. The Turkish people decided 
to take to the streets to show their discontent because after all, only struggle pays!

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