Last Year's Search For A Submarine In Swedish Waters Was Actually A 'Tugboat'

Is this it? This grainy amateur photo showing a mysterious vessel in Stockholm's archipelago was released by the Swedish military during the hunt

The Local: 'Sub' outside Stockholm was civilian boat

A suspected submarine spotted in the Stockholm archipelago a week after Sweden's extensive hunt for Russian underwater vessels outside the capital last autumn was only a civilian boat, Sweden's Armed Forces have now said.

On October 31st 2014, retired naval officer Sven Olof Kviman snapped a picture of what looked like a 20-30 metre long, black submarine in waters just outside Lidingö in Stockholm. The incident has remained unconfirmed, but has been classed by the military as a “potential” submarine.

But Rear Admiral Anders Grenstad has now told Swedish newspapers that the Armed Forces reported to the Swedish government last Wednesday that the suspected underwater vessel was in fact only a civilian “working boat”.

Update #1: Sweden confirms mystery ‘Russian sub’…was in fact a workboat -- RT
Update #2: Inquiry Dismisses Sighting of Russian Submarine Near Stockholm -- Sputnik

WNU Editor: Ooops ....

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