On 15 May 2013 the Spanish government organized a large punitive operation against the
libertarian movement in Spain, searches, arrests, evictions of occupied premises. ---- In
Brussels, May 22, 2013, dozens of police in "anti-terrorist" section (sic) of the Federal
Judicial Police have invested and searched the homes of fellow anarchist and
anti-authoritarian and anarchist library Acrata''''. These were eventually released, but
nevertheless charged with belonging to a terrorist organization and conspiracy. --- These
two operations are only manifestations of state terrorism that seeks to intimidate the
libertarian movement and, more broadly, the combative social movements across Europe to
contain popular anger.
Designating as "terrorist" the radical challenge to the unequal capitalist order and
state, states seek not only to avoid overcrowding of social protest, but also to hide
their terrorist character based on war, exploitation and police violence.
Judicial and police pressure, searches and intimidation will not prevent our comrades to
continue their struggle, or to interfere with their class enemies.
Coordination of Anarchist Groups, while denouncing the repression of the Belgian and
Spanish anarchist movement by the state, is responsible comrades targeted for repression
of solidarity.
Our solidarity has no border.
On June 7, 2013
International Relations of the CGA
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