Citation of. Biological Filtering and Ecological Machinery for Self-Purification and Bioremediation in Aquatic Ecosystems. Towards a Holistic View.
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Biological Filtering and Ecological Machinery for Self-Purification and Bioremediation in Aquatic Ecosystems: Towards a Holistic View
(1998) Rivista di Biologia - Biology Forum, 91 (2) , pp. 221-232.
Author Name – they cited:
Claret, C. (1)
Corriero, G. (1)
Dimitriadis, A. (1)
Fauvet, G. (1)
Lazareva, E.V. (1)
Licciano, M. (1)
Longo, C. (1)
Marmonier, P. (1)
Neofitou, C. (1)
Neofitou, N.(1)
Paleokostas, A.(1)
Pantazis, P.(1)
Psilovikos, A.(1)
Shestakova, T.V.(1)
Stabili, L.(1)
Vorozhun, I.M.(1)
Widdows, J.(1)
Subject Area
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (12)
Environmental Science (8)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (3)
Earth and Planetary Sciences (3)
Immunology and Microbiology (3)
Cited by
Bacterial accumulation by the Demospongiae Hymeniacidon perlevis: A tool for the bioremediation of polluted seawater
Longo, C., Corriero, G., Licciano, M., Stabili, L.
Marine Pollution Bulletin 60 (8) , pp. 1182-1187.
Longo, C.a, Corriero, G.a, Licciano, M.b, Stabili, L.bc
a Dipartimento di Biologia Animale ed Ambientale, Università di Bari, Via Orabona, 4-70125 Bari, Italy
b Disteba, Università del Salento, Via Prov. le Lecce-Monteroni, 73100 Lecce, Italy
c IAMC, Sezione di Taranto-CNR, Via Roma, 3-70400 Taranto, Italy
View references (64)
Sponges can filter large amounts of water, which exerts an important grazing impact on free bacteria, an important component of the diet of sponges. We examined the accumulation of bacteria in the Demospongiae (Hymeniacidon perlevis). Analyses were performed on homogenates from unstarved and starved sponges in seawater from their sampling site (the Ionian Sea). Culturable heterotrophic bacteria (22°C), total culturable bacteria (37°C) and vibrios densities were measured on marine agar 2216, plate count agar and TCBS agar, respectively. Total and fecal coliforms, as well as fecal streptococci, were determined by the most probable number method (MPN). H. perlevis was able to accumulate all of the six microbiological groups. Bacterial groups differed in their resistance to digestion by H. perlevis. Our data suggest that H. perlevis may accumulate, remediate and metabolize bacteria and that they may be employed as a useful bioindicator and bioremediator. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
Author keywords
Filter-feeders; Hymeniacidon perlevis; Microbial pollution; Total coliforms; Water quality; Water self-purification
Indexed keywords
Bioindicator; Culturable bacteria; Culturable heterotrophic bacteria; Fecal coliforms; Fecal streptococci; Filter-feeders; Ionian sea; Marine agars; Microbial pollution; Most probable number methods; Sampling site; Self-purification; Total coliforms
Engineering controlled terms: Algae; Bacteriology; Bioremediation; Feeding; Polysaccharides; Purification; Seawater; Water quality
Engineering main heading: Water pollution
EMTREE drug terms: sea water
GEOBASE Subject Index: bioaccumulation; bioindicator; bioremediation; fecal coliform; filter feeder; microbiology; seawater; self purification; sponge; water pollution; water quality
EMTREE medical terms: article; bacterial count; bacterial metabolism; bacterium culture; bioaccumulation; bioremediation; colony forming unit; controlled study; fecal coliform; heterotroph; nonhuman; plate count; sea pollution; sponge (Porifera); Streptococcus; temperature; tissue homogenate; Vibrio
MeSH: Animals; Bacteria; Biodegradation, Environmental; Porifera; Seawater; Water Pollutants
Medline is the source for the MeSH terms of this document.
Species Index: Bacteria (microorganisms); Demospongiae; Hymeniacidon perlevis
Chemicals and CAS Registry Numbers: Water Pollutants
ISSN: 0025326X CODEN: MPNBASource Type: Journal Original language: English
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2010.03.035 PubMed ID: 20434181Document Type: Article
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Stabili, L.; Disteba, Università del Salento, Via Prov. le Lecce-Monteroni, 73100 Lecce, Italy;
© Copyright 2010 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved. © MEDLINE® is the source for the MeSH terms of this document.
Self-purification of a long-stretched gully affects the restoration of an alpine-type lake in northern Greece
Neofitou, C., Dimitriadis, A., Pantazis, P., Psilovikos, A., Neofitou, N., Paleokostas, A.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 14 (12 A) , pp. 1141-1149.
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a University of Thessaly, Department of Agriculture Animal Production and Aquatic Environment, Laboratory of Ichthyology-Hydrobiology, Fytokou str., N.Ionia, 384 46 Volos, Greece
b Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Fisheries, Inshore Waters and Aquaculture, 381 Acharnon str., 111 43 Athens, Greece
View references (40)
Vegoritis Lake in Macedonia, Greece, is part of an extensive water complex of smaller lakes and streams with Pentavrisos gully discharging at the southern point of the lake and affecting considerably the lake's nutrient cycles and biodiversity. During the last fifteen years, the lake has shown significant signs of degradation, such as disturbance of its aquifer bed, algal blooms, fish mass mortalities, and the transformation of its trophic status from an oligotrophic to a meso-trophic and, even, an eutrophic one. Such a transformation has an additional impact on terrestrial, avian and aquatic fauna, with alteration in species' composition, and a considerable decline in local fisheries and tourism. This study focused on investigating the role that gully Pentavrisos has on the physicochemical water quality status of Lake Vegoritis. Most parameters inside the lake (nitrates 0.55-1.95 mg.l-1, nitrites 0.008-0.031 mg.l-1, ammonia 0.011-0.158 mg.l-1) indicate the existence of a natural purification process occurring between the sites of gully Pentavrisos, receiving the treated/untreated effluents, and the final recipient of those effluents, Lake Vegoritis. Suggested mitigation measures for the restoration of the lake and the management of the respective aquifer bed, mainly consist of rationalization of water consumption for irrigation purposes, recycling of industrial effluent water, establishment of depuration plants for the biological treatment of industrial and urban waste, appropriate planning and demarcation of land-use in the littoral areas of the lake, and qualitative upgrade of Pentavrisos gully. © by PSP Volume 14 - No 12a. 2005.
Author keywords
Biodiversity; Greece; Self-purification; Water purification; Water quality; Water reservoirs
Indexed keywords
GEOBASE Subject Index: biodiversity; effluent; gully; habitat restoration; lake ecosystem; nutrient cycling; physicochemical property; pollution effect; self purification; water quality; water treatment
Regional Index: Central Macedonia; Eurasia; Europe; Greece; Macedonia [Greece]; Pella; Southern Europe; Vegoritis Lake
Species Index: algae; Aves
ISSN: 10184619 CODEN: FENBESource Type: Journal Original language: English
Document Type: Article
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Influence of benthic and interstitial processes on nutrient changes along a regulated reach of a large river (Rhône River, France)
Fauvet, G., Claret, C., Marmonier, P.
Hydrobiologia 445 , pp. 121-131.
Fauvet, G.ab , Claret, C.c, Marmonier, P.b
a Université de Savoie, GRETI, F-73376 Le Bourget du Lac Cedex, France
b UMR-CNRS 6553, ECOBIO, Université Rennes 1, F-35380 Paimpont, France
c Department of Limnology, EAWAG/ETH, Überlandstr. 133, CH-8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland
View references (47)
Benthic and hyporheic (i.e. the water-saturated interstitial zone beneath river bed-sediments) processes together modify particulate and dissolved nutrient fluxes in streams, but the relative importance of these processes remains unstudied in large rivers. Changes in material and nutrient fluxes (total suspended matter, biodegradable and refractory dissolved organic carbon, and nitrate) were monitored along a reach with a regulated discharge (a by-passed section downstream of a dam). Mass balance diagrams highlight a contrasting functioning between upstream and downstream parts of this sector of the Rhône River (Pierre-Bénite sector, France). At the upstream location close to the water input, characterized by partially clogged sediments and large lentic zones, decrease in total suspended matter (TSM) and biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) fluxes resulted from high rates of benthic processes (i.e. sedimentation, respiration and mineralisation). At the downstream location, characterized by strong vertical water exchanges in a large riffle, nutrient changes resulted from the combination of processes that took place at the surface of the stream bed and during water percolation through riffle sediments. Physical benthic processes (scouring of periphyton, erosion and resuspension of sediment due to higher surface velocity) lead to an increase of TSM and DOC fluxes. Within the riffle, decomposition and mineralisation of organic matter in the first meter of the infiltration zone, and physical entrapment of RDOC, make the riffle as a sink for DOC and a source of nitrate. The significant contribution of the riffle to the self-purification capacities of this large river reach shows the relevance of including interstitial compartment in self-purification studies.
Author keywords
Bacteria; Dissolved organic carbon; Hyporheic zone; Nitrate; River; Sediment; Self-purification
Indexed keywords
Biotechnology descriptors: benthic environment; biodegradability; bioprocess; dissolved organic matter; France; hydrodynamics; nutrient concentration; nutrient cycling; river; sediment; suspended particulate matter
Engineering controlled terms: Biodegradation; Decomposition; Erosion; Infiltration; Organic chemicals; Sediments
Engineering uncontrolled terms: Nutrient fluxes
Engineering main heading: Rivers
GEOBASE Subject Index: interstitial environment; nutrient; river; self purification
Regional Index: France
ISSN: 00188158 CODEN: HYDRBSource Type: Journal Original language: English
DOI: 10.1023/A:1017540306550Document Type: Article
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Citation of: Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes