I know it's been awhile since I've written again, but with Spring Break it's just been super busy around here. So lets rewind back to Friday the 22nd. When the boys were done with school, we had a movie night (Frankenweenie is super cute, ya'll), and geared up for the big birthday weekend. Saturday we had tickets to the Tampa Bay Storm Game. I had gotten them months ago on Living Social, and they were something like $5. Now, I know arena football isn't real football-- but with Asa's birthday in March, it's the closest I could get to it. We had an awesome time, even though the Storm lost. Hayden didn't even pretend he was interested until Asa ended up with a helmet full of nachos, but he sat quietly with his kindle. And lets face it, it was cheaper to get his ticket than to have a babysitter. (This would be why even Hayden has a Buc's season ticket).
Sunday Asa worked, but not until 3; so we made the most of our time and went out to Adventure Island. It had opened the previous weekend, and probably wasn't warm enough for most people to want to go; but we had a great time. The crowds were non-existent. The kids went cliff jumping and running across the lily pads without any lines; and then Asa, Calib and Peyton hit the bigger slides while Hayden and I went three times around the lazy river without ever seeing another swimmer.
After awhile, Hayden decided he was going to be brave and try out some of the 'big kid' slides. My issue with water parks/amusement parks has always been that 48 inch cut off mark. It's like you're just tall enough (but probably too afraid) to go on the big kid stuff; but too tall to do the little kid stuff. Hayden is coming to the harsh realization of what it's like to be 48 and a quarter inches tall in bare feet. I thought for sure he'd get to the top of most of them and change his mind, but it was no big deal because it's not like he was waiting in long lines and then changing his mind. He rode them all fearlessly though. Every time he got to the bottom he'd scream 'again! again!'. He even did Everglides, and that ride scares me!
We had big plans for Asa's birthday (after all it was the big 3-oh), so when he was done with work at 11:30 Sunday night I suggested that I light his candles and sing Happy Birthday to him at midnight so he could for sure have a piece of cake on his birthday. I just wasn't sure how we would fit in in anyway. He was totally on board. Who doesn't want cake and ice cream for a midnight snack anyway?
Monday we got up and headed to Disney. Our first stop: Blizzard Beach. Asa is pretty fearless when it comes to rides, but one ride had always terrified him: Summit Plummet. If you don't know it's this ridiculously tall straight down water slide (ok, I'll google the stats for you-- 12 stories, near vertical- 120 feet) Yea, it's seriously intense. He decided he would conquer it on his thirtieth birthday, no matter how long the line may be. Luckily it wasn't super warm so we had the same run of the park we had at Adventure Island the day before. So, up he went on the ski lift that takes you to the top; Calib went along and did it too. I heard they both almost chickened out at the top, but they both loved it. Peyton, Hayden and I waited safely at the bottom.
After that we did the family slide, the zipline, ice burg climbing, and general swimming before getting an ice cream bucket and heading out for our picnic lunch (a Disney MUST), and going over to Disney Quest.
Asa loves Disney Quest, the rest of us like Disney Quest. But it was his birthday so I was settling in for the long haul. We were able to grab some lets go Jungle games, which is always hard to get into but super fun if you get the chance. But after not too long, it was getting pretty packed. I found an awesome little nook to sit in near the kids games, pulled out my kindle and became home base. It allowed Peyton and Hayden the freedom to play whatever games they wanted knowing exactly where I was, and they came to check in with me every so often. Calib and Asa ran around the whole building playing whatever they wanted and it worked out really well. I think we have a new Disney Quest strategy.
After Disney Quest it was time for the big event: Medieval Times. We went two years ago on Asa's birthday and while it's not my favorite; it is a blast, and the boys in this family LOVE it. So I'm totally on board. (I'll never forget the first time we went, we were staying in a hotel, and we woke up the next morning to Hayden in the bed next to us waving his flag yelling 'go Red Knight'- it was so cute) Anyway, we got there early enough to be at table one. And we were in the Red section yet again.
The food is great- if you've never been, you should know there are no utensils. You have to eat everything with your hands. You get tomato soup (to drink out of the bowl) and some bread as an appetizer; then they bring out chicken-- tons of chicken!- a rib, and a potato for the main meal; and you get an apple turnover for dinner. All while eating a medieval tournament is taking place right in front of you. You sit in colored sections, and root for your color knight. Lots of yelling, eating with your hands, and fighting. I live in a house full of boys; so they couldn't ask for anything better. I do have an awesome time too; but I wouldn't pick to go there on my birthday (I have O'hana reservations!!)
Now, after dinner I was ready to pack it in and get home. You could tell it was Spring Break in Orlando. People everywhere, minimal parking available, ridiculous wait times. But Asa really wanted to try to hit the Magic Kingdom. After all, they were open till 1 am and it was only 8. So, we parked at the Polynesian and got some coffee and hot chocolate to prepare us for the long knight ahead and made it into the park.
It was crowded. We were arriving just as the 9 pm electrical light parade was starting, and had to be ushered through the back gates (which I have only seen open 3 other times all in very busy scenarios . But because most people were at the first parade, lines weren't too bad. After the parade is wishes, the fireworks show, so we got to watch those from the rides. I wish I had my camera out; I was on the cars, driving in front of the castle, and fireworks were going off everywhere. It was amazing.
We did also get to see 'Celebrate the Magic' a show they project onto the castle. It is one of the coolest things I have ever seen at Disney. Highly recommend it if you're ever there when it's going on. Then we sat down and had a prime spot for the second, 11pm electrical light parade. After the parade we had a few minutes left of Asa's birthday so we rode some more rides with minimal waits. We ended up leaving the park just after midnight. It was an awesome day.
And I was glad I had given Asa his cake at midnight since we never made it home in time for it. The next day we lit the candles again so everyone could sing (we did sing- poorly and loudly to him in the Magic Kingdom too!). The boys were confused why a piece was already missing though.
Wednesday our plan was to get to Busch Gardens one last time before our passes expired. We got to the parking lot at 1 o'clock and it was nearly full. None of us had ever seen it that busy so we decided to not even attempt it and went to Al Lopez park in Tampa instead. We played on the playground and climbed some trees (where I took my favorite Waterstraut self taken picture ever).
We also stopped to get the stuff to make our cinder block herb garden. I had picked up the herbs the previous weekend so we really needed to get them planted. The boys were excited about the project and did most of it themselves. Thursday was our plant day so in addition to building the herb garden, we also planted some tomato and pepper seeds in ice cream cones so we'll see how those turn out. Plat day also saw the planting of some new plants in our terrarium. I think the cold had killed them all off, so Peyton spent some of his Easter money to get some new plants. (Hayden got new goggles, and Calib got a new football-- thanks Grandma!) Planting those in the terrarium is always an interesting endeavor with all the lizards and frogs who are not super shy.
Friday we went Strawberry picking. It was the first day of u-pick, and with my freezer and lots of hands to pick, I knew we'd get alot. Hayden and Peyton mostly ate theirs. Hayden would pick half a quart then sit in the middle of the field and eat them, then go pick another half a quart and sit down and eat that, and then.. well, you get the picture. Thirty quarts later (at only 50 cents a quart!) plus whatever Hayden ate, we headed back home.
Friday Night Rex came over. He moved back to Alabama to be closer to family, so he came to say his goodbyes (I'm sure he'll visit sometime though).
I also cleaned all the strawberries. Took me two hours and I had a whole bucket full of tops- that I should have saved some of to feed to our various critters, I can't believe I didn't think about that until I threw them all away.
The next day we made a quick trip to the pool and colored eggs for Easter. Later that day, Asa worked while I made every strawberry thing I could think of. I made jam, bread, ice box cakes, fruit roll ups, salsa, smoothie packets, soup, and still had some left to freeze and some left chopped up for eating the next few days.
And, because of apparently only so many pictures being able to be uploaded, I guess we'll do this week in a whole other blog.. Stay tuned.