France. Inhibition of Mussel Suspension Feeding by Surfactants of Three Classes. The article is available in 5 libraries in France.

Inhibition of Mussel Suspension Feeding by Surfactants of Three Classes. The article is available in 5 libraries in France.


Inhibition of Mussel Suspension Feeding by Surfactants of Three Classes

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This the first paper to discover that sunthetic surfactants (surface active substances) all three main types - in relatively low concentrations - produce negative effects on water filtration of aquatic invertebrates. As a result, a new hazard to ecosystem function was discovered. This is a  new serious threat to water quality and normal biogeochemical cycles in the  ocean and the biosphere.

Author:S OstroumovJ Widdows  [Moscow State University; RF; Plymlouth Marine Lab, U.K.]
Edition/Format:Article Article : English
Publication:Hydrobiologia, 556, no. 1 (2006): 381-386
Other Databases:British Library Serials
based on  rating(s) 1 with a review

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