More than roots of family, roots of your soul's joy, grace, peace must blossom.
In your landscape, will I know who you are, to your roots?
Ironically, to those who love you, a high percentage anyway, will be afraid of your blossoming. In whatever form/root you choose to blossom. Take that to the bank, stick a fork in it, a stinker when haters-gonna-hate arrives at your doorstep from 'loved ones'. Truly, in the full epoch of your life, failure to blossom in the landscape, because of a 'loved one' ?

Pic, above, here. Snyders, Frans--Bodegon.
Visited a friend's garden last month, hadn't been there in YEARS. A joy of time/place/camaraderie. She's done so much, some in frustration without full blossom. Her husband at the root of that. Quickly told her of Beloved's 'No Zone'. My belief it is a 'man' thing, not specific to a certain man, just men liking their comfort zone, and control. Encounter it often, too often, the manly, 'No Zone'. Not a bad thing, just a thing that 'is'.
She loved it. Hugged me, said she was so relieved I put up with it too, the 'No Zone'. She thought she was in this No Zone boat, alone. Not !
How do I deal with the No Zone? Deeply considered Landscape plans, shared once vision quested, then pay for what I want myself. Ha, that pay wall thing. Follow the money.
Another friend's garden visited this year, a new home and landscape. Something worse than a partner's No Zone is happening. Alas, this is haters-gonna-hate, witnessed several times thru the years. My friend has encountered cutting remarks about their new beautiful/fabulous garden/home from several long-time friends, several. Obviously, those friendships much thinner to gone. Sadly, witnessing this scenario happens about once in 4-5 years with clients/friends. Haters-gonna-hate the jealousy version.
Mention this only because I see it occur, and to those experiencing it, you probably think it is only you, you're somehow at fault. Nope.
All of this, inspired by the floral arrangement, above. I have zero skills for floral design, it's its own world of skill/talent. However, this floral arrangement I can do, antique bowl included. My budget has never allowed for such a bowl, however, I do have similar old bowls from thrift stores, junk shops. All with cracks/chips. Love cracks/chips, I can afford them.
Not allowing myself to blossom, for lack of vision questing or $$$, not an option. I adore people who blossom. Being in bud is as pleasurable as blossoming.
Garden & Be Well, XO T
A client many years ago, huge home, huge property, had a No Zone husband, didn't want her to work, or garden. Her plan of attack to blossom in her garden? She worked for cash for a neighbor, paid cash for what she wanted in the garden. The garden bills her husband paid? Poor man, he honestly thought the incredible garden cost what he paid. Their entire neighborhood, sans the men, knew how her garden was paid for. Old story, clients both passed away.... Hope this isn't too much truth... Indeed, I have garden stories NOT to be told here. That's why my Conservatory in the garden for lunch, or later with wine/canapes quite the delight. Small groups. Stories I have, and oh my, better, the stories I'm told.