Coronation Street weekly update - Tyrone's out, Sylvia's spaced out

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Greetings and welcome to the Coronation Street Weekly Update. 
Find out more about the Coronation Street Weekly Updates and why they've been written for th'internet since 1995 at A million thanks go to Karen Jankel and Richard Whitbread for the last two weeks of
Coronation Street weekly updates while I was away on my jollies.  And so without any further ado, here we go with this week’s Coronation Street update.

Tyrone’s free from his trial and torment after crazy Kirsty crashes the courtroom with baby Ruby in her arms as Tyrone takes the stand. “He’s not a monster!” She tells a packed court room “I am!” The trial’s declared null and void and Kirsty’s held for perjury and perverting the course of justice. Back home, Tyrone’s nervous about facing those on the Street he once thought of as friends. those who believed Kirsty’s word over his.  Ooh, there’s a lot a lot of saying sorry to do, and Julie and Eileen try to do it first.  It takes a gentle nudge from Roy to ‘turn a page in the book of life’ to get Tyrone to think on about forgiving and forgetting.

Paul the fireman suffers the death of work colleague Toni worse than the death of his wife. Remember her? The one with Alzheimer’s Disease? The woman he was married to? The woman he’s forgot? And now he can’t sleep, he can’t eat, he’s having problems at work and he takes them all out on Eileen. I’d be having a word with myself if I were her and I’d chuck him and his hideous beige jacket out. 

At Roy’s Rolls, Sylvia starts eating cannabis brownies after Stan from the 1o’clock club gets her hooked. She tells him she’s eating the space cakes to relieve the pain in her wrist but as she’s the only one in Roy’s Rolls who knows what’s going on with the special cakes Stan brings in, she’s a little concerned when Anna tells her she’s just sold three of them – to Rita, Norris and Mary. Dennis manages to get the cakes back before they’re eaten, which was a shame as a bite of dope could well have shut Norris up.

St Ella’s released from th’ospickle and moves into Kevin’s after he supposedly moves in with Sally although he’s really been written out for a few months. Karl and St Ella grow close, blah blah blah and Jason’s not best pleased.   

Poor Sunita’s still lying in her bed with tubes all over her and she’ll die next week. Until then, Karl tries to pin the Rovers blaze on to her by dropping his keys into her hospital bedside unit where the cops conveniently find them and Sunita becomes suspect number one for setting the Rovers on fire.  My recent experience of someone close to me going into hospital included their belongings being inventoried on entry – and discharge.  I hope the Corrie writers have remembered this happens and then Karl will finally get collared for the blaze. 

And finally this week Chesney’s still in bits over Katy and Ryan and he deals with it the only way he knows how. He gets stonking drunk in the Rovers and tries to chat up Eva who tells him to come back when he’s a little more sober, older and taller. 

And that's just about that for this week. Remember, you can sign up to get these Corrie weekly updates by email at

This week's writers were Jayne Hollinson, Susan Oudot, Damon Rochefort, Jonathan Harvey. Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at

Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at

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