Three brothers from 1913

Confession time!  I was in a fraternity in college.  Today marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of Nu chapter of Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity.  I thought it would be fun to see what three of the men from the 1913 class did with their lives.

1. Brigadier General Harry B. Liversedge, The Warrior.  After college, in 1917, he enlisted as a private in the U.S. Marines.  He was in the Olympics in 1920 (where he won a bronze medal for the shot put) and 1924.  After a number of promotions, then-Lt. Gen. Liversedge led the 28th Marine Regiment in its assault on and capture of Iwo Jima.

2. William John Cooper, The Educator.  He began his career as a public high school teacher in Stockton, California.  After many moves up the ranks, he became the Commissioner of Education (now, Secretary of Education) under the Coolidge, Hoover, and Roosevelt administrations.

3. Tracy B. Kittredge, The Savior.  Kittredge served in the navy during the Great War.  After the war, he served on a commission for the relief of Belgium.  Soon thereafter, he became the Secretary-General of the newly formed International Red Cross.  There's even a street in Berkeley named after him.

Pretty darn impressive.

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