Tweets from: Murun Buchstansangur ‏@murunbuch

"1983 - evidence of a paedophile Ring operating out of Buckinghham Palace & the Foreign Office … … …#Fernbridge

"Paedophile Information Exchange was run from the Home Office (Government Ministry in charge of the police) by Steven Smith. A Home Office phone was used as the contact number #Fernbridge

"Paedophile Information Exchange members were employed in Home Office, Foreign Office & GCHQ (spy base). Two unnamed PIE members were MPs. #Fernbridge

Leon Brittan (right)

"Paedophile Information Exchange members called Home Office for meeting locations. Guardian 14.11.84 #Fernbridge

"Police were waiting for Leon Brittan (Government minister in charge of the police and MI5) to give go ahead for PIE arrests after 2 year investigation. #Fernbridge

"Geoffrey Dickens gave Leon Brittan 50-page dossier naming paedophile TV executive #Savile #Fernbridge Express 20/1/84 

"Leon Brittan's 'apathy' on Paedophile Information Exchange criticised. Only 2 police on case. Times 31.8.83 #Fernbridge 

"Leon Brittan's policy on child abuse led to just 3 arrests from 1000+ PIE members after 2 yr investigation #Fernbridge

"PIE paedophile ring were obsessed with the sexual torture and murder of children #Fernbridge #Savile

"Attorney General Sir Michael Havers did not disclose Geoffrey Prime's PIE membership during spy trial #Fernbridge

"38 years jail for GCHQ worker, PIE member, and KGB agent Geoffrey Prime. Times 11.11.82 #Fernbridge 

"Paedophiles Peter Hayman & Anthony Blunt were both members of Travellers' Club in Pall Mall (a favourite club of MI6). Sun 19.3.81 #Fernbridge

"Peter Hayman had series of high-security jobs including NATO, M.O.D. & Foreign Office. Mirror 19.3.81 #Fernbridge

"Alan Rusbridger (whose Guardian newspaper is suspected of being run by MI6) gives publicity to exiled Paedophile Information Exchange leader. Guardian 5.12.84 #Fernbridge"

  1. aangirfan: THATCHER'S PEOPLE
    Nov 9, 2012 – Leon Brittan (right). aangirfan: TOP PEOPLE SMEARED ... "MI5 did overwatch the Welsh home and MI5 was run by Rothschild and Mossad." ...
  2. aangirfan: TOP PEOPLE SMEARED
    Oct 19, 2012 – Poor Leon Brittan has been the subject of smears on the internet. ...Reportedly, someone looking like Leon Brittan was seen in a place of ...

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