(en) France, Alternative Libertair - Counter Attack Against dismissal and blackmail (fr)

After validating the social PSA, after the fiasco of Mittal-Florange, the government is 
preparing to transcribe into law the new agreement shame, called "job security" signed by 
three unions (CFDT The CGC and CFTC) and the management, which would be a setback 
unprecedented for worker-to-s. Immediately after Renault announced 8260 job cuts in 
France. Employers face and his minions government to arrange for us to change that. ---- 
Combat employment blackmail! ---- This agreement is presented by the media and the 
government as a large consensus between unions and employers, forgetting a bit faster than 
the three signatory unions represent only 28% of employee-es in the last elections in TPE 
professional. it intends to authorize agreements companies to increase working hours or 
lower wages to "maintain employment."

Agreements of this type have already been signed in the past (Continental or PSA Sevelnord 
example) but now it blackmail would be engraved in employment law, in preparation for a 
parliamentary vote in April.

We knew that the "socialist" had no intention to engage in a showdown with the employers. 
Instead, it is sufficient that employers show a little teeth to qu'Ayrault d?guerpissent 
and his clique. Like when a handful of small bosses have launched the movement of 
"pigeons" to pay less tax. Like when PSA announced the closure of Aulnay. Like when Mittal 
announced that it would reinvest finally almost nothing in furnaces Florange.

Like when Renault announced a new plan "social" and Sapin, Labour Minister welcomes that 
there will be no redundancies but "only" early retirement, pre-retirement and 
reclassifications. so what if it looks shabby pensions, if the "reclassified" are forced 
to go to work at the other end of France, or the "voluntary departure" unable to resettle 
in an industry in crisis. In direct continuity with previous governments, it is simply to 
restore the profits of capitalists blunted by the crisis at the expense of those who 
produce wealth: the workers.

Many union leaders believed that "social dialogue" with the government would resume and 
that it would intervene in conflicts with employers. So we can only welcome the CGt, 
Solidarity and FO today denounce the agreement. Now it's time to stop hesitating and to 
engage in the construction of a comprehensive response around slogans clear, unifying and 

Veto-worker of his dismissal on!

Alternative libertarian claims a right of veto worker-se-s on layoffs and calls for the 
requisition and self-development companies sacrificed on the altar of profit. Because it 
is not the shareholders to decide the future of a box, but the only producers of wealth: 
the employee-es.

Fight against unemployment and alienation at work, we claim the move to 32 hours per week 
without wage cuts and hiring appropriate.

Finally, through the struggles of today's capitalism, the system that generates social 
misery, war, ecological disasters and food must be called into question. We must 
expropriate shareholders requisition companies and ensure their full and direct management 
by the working class people, in a democratic manner, in line with the population and the 
environmental. This is what we call libertarian communism.

Against dismissal January 25, 2013
Posted January 25, 2013 by Secretariat branch Enterprises

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