Brazil, Election politics in Congress and sincerity by Bruno Lima Rocha (pt)

Impress the ability of political elites in Brazil have to achieve themselves. ---- At the 
end of the summer recess, we are faced with the likely election of two PMDB Northeast, 
both linked to the power scheme of the former president of Arena, Jos? Sarney. Renan, 
alagoano Senator and former Minister of Justice of FHC, is already stamped figure of the 
Brazilian media. ---- Among his exploits, we have the unforgettable moment of 2007, when 
the country knew that part of his private appointments were covered by some republican 
relationships with companies interested in bidding and purchases of government. Already 
Renan Henrique Alves, has been launched as president of the lower house about six months, 
and strides in the direction of alternation of power. Marco Maia, coreligionist the 
president should spend the vacancy for the representative of the party's deputy Michel 
Temer. Have not fit any more surprise.

Former guerrillas, arenistas, quercistas and surroundings allied to such governance, and 
the once reformist party did not change the political culture of Brazil but has been 
transformed - for the worse - with this interaction.

Given such a framework, it is necessary to reproduce the key concepts for this analysis. 
The patronage pure and simple, retro-fueled engine with the word end to authoritarian 
leaders and deputies of the parliamentary benches conditions in pursuit of their immediate 
interests. These are, in almost one hundred percent of the cases, the release of 
amendments, where budget freak who represents and enforces ends for ordering costs and 
ensure investment in municipalities and constituencies. For its part, the coalition 
presidentialism operates in halter of the lower clergy, releasing amendments to dropper, 
causing deputies mayors put against the wall every year. The Union focuses funds no fiscal 
federalism and therefore, less autonomy of the state and municipal levels of government. 
How to teach the rule of politics, concentrating resources involves ensuring benefits.

If something is advertised in the choices relevant to chair the federal legislature, this 
factor is the sincerity. A more skillful political alliance put forward figures less 
controversial, having both a low profile as calmer trajectories. It would be a way to 
preserve the institution and its image. Apparently we have the opposite. The probable 
presidents of the Senate and the House are the "face of Brazilian politics."
Bruno Lima Rocha

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