A look at a coming coalition led march in Rochester, NY, as radical, direct action, and
housing groups come together to show the city that housing is a human right.---"Housing is
a Human Right" March ---- On October 16th Metro Justice will march to City Hall in a
?Housing is a Human Right March?. We hope that you will join us in co-sponsoring this
march! ---- With hundreds of people homeless every night, in a city that has enough vacant
properties to house them all, we know that our communities are in crisis! When thousands
of homes have been foreclosed upon by massive banks in our city, we know that housing must
be a human right. ---- Adequate access to housing is the cornerstone on which we build a
thriving and vibrant community. At Metro Justice, we?ve taken that seriously and our
Housing is a Human Right Campaign is growing. Our campaign makes two requests of the city
that we intend to make very clear at our march on October 16th:
1. As a consequence of their awful foreclosure record across New York State and
nationally, the City of Rochester should divest all public funds from JP Morgan Chase.
2. Due to the widespread fraud in mortgage foreclosures by big banks, the City of
Rochester should halt police participation in evictions by those banks for one year.
We believe these requests are important steps for our city to begin to acknowledge the
human right to housing. We know however, that there are many other actions that the city
can take to ensure access to quality housing for all.
We hope that you will consider joining us in our Housing is a Human Right March on October
16th and that you can bring the important perspectives that you offer to this growing
movement. This is a chance for all groups and individuals who believe we need to challenge
the banks for kicking people out of their homes, and to bring ideas for what this change
can look like!
We will be gathering first at Washington Square Park and then marching to City Hall, where
we will have a rally in support of the idea that housing should be for everyone. After
that some of us will head into City Hall to pack the place and show them what community
power really looks like.
The event is already being co-sponsored by Metro Justice, Take Back the Land, and
Rochester Red and Black (a member of the In Our Hearts Network), as well as two dozen
other organizations! Join us in co-sponsoring this event, and share around!
Related Link: http://www.metrojustice.org
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Bron : a-infos-en@ainfos.ca