France, Alternative Libertair #219 - Kurdistan: The Turkish prison for opening (fr)

More than thirty years after the military coup, the struggle against the oppression of the
Kurdish people in Turkey continue despite repression. ---- The crackdown today qu'essuient
different resistance movements AKP (Islamic-conservative, in power since 2002 in Turkey)
began in spring 2009, following a historic victory party legal pro-Kurdish BDP (Party for
Peace and Democracy) in local elections. Since it is more than ten thousand activists who
were arrested and are mostly awaiting trial. In many cases, people are imprisoned without
having been indicted this does not prevent Prime Minister Erdogan said with satisfaction
that Turkey is an "advanced democracy" ---- New faces ---- While the majority of victims
are Kurds or less related to the Kurdish movement, this repression is also a way to take
the labor movement on the one hand, by addressing alternative union activists KESK and
secondly to different movements challenging reactionary order, whether feminist,
environmentalist or simply progressive.

If this series of arrests in strict continuity over a century of violence to maintain
constitutional order that promotes model as "one nation, one people, one language and one
flag," the way it has translated political change in the country. Indeed, it is no longer
the army found in the forefront of political "anti-terrorist" but the police, in which the
Islamic-conservative circles have found fertile ground for the development ideas. This can
be explained by the many blows to the military over the past decade by a government
anxious to protect an army which was previously a "deep state," a state within a state.

The crackdown in question has its roots in the failure of the government's strategy
Islamic-conservative "Kurdish opening". This failure can be explained by a sharp change in
the strategy of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party, former Marxist-Leninist) during the last
decade. Faced with disastrous thirty years of guerrilla warfare, the PKK has opted for the
reconstruction of a Kurdish civil society outside the circles of traditional authority:
the organization has been created called KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union).

Tens of thousands of murders

This is from base committees open the PKK began the reconquest step of an electorate
attempts by the AKP, even having to combine the power of quasi-feudal local figures. With
new networks of the BDP was able to establish itself as the main political force in the
Kurdish regions of high population and therefore could popularize certain slogans like
freedom to study in their mother tongue (only the private education allows for major only)
and "democratic autonomy" for Kurdistan. This concept, although very vague, recognizes the
legitimacy of the Turkish state and is therefore almost a century of struggle for
independence. It did not, it seems, the AKP enough for that KCK is an attempt to
reorganize society beyond the control of the State, to support what remains of guerrilla
warfare. Thus, more than six thousand Kurds, or near the Kurdish movement, have been
arrested for the most part of anti-KCK operations said.

The deportation of millions of Kurds and killing tens of thousands of them causes as well
as economic policies. Today, 80% of electricity comes from Turkey drying in the Kurdish
areas by hydroelectric dams on the Tigris and the Euphrates. If it has lost its political
power, the army continues to maintain a constant pressure not to stop the conflict which
opposes Kurdish resistance: owner of a thirty companies (including the Turkish subsidiary
of Renault) She is always interested in remain the largest expense item of a state that
puts the war in health and education.

AL - Paris South
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