Taking Apps To War

During a battle in a village near Kandahar, Afghanistan, Lt. Kevin Pelletier used a tablet computer with a custom map application to direct soldiers' movements. Here, a screenshot from one of the military's apps. Darpa

Military Takes Apps To War -- Wall Street Journal

Soldiers Use Mobile Devices for Mapping, Networking, Virtual Lineups.

Leading his platoon on a mission to clear a hostile village in Afghanistan last year, U.S. Army Lt. Kevin Pelletier took a small tablet computer along with his gun, body armor and radio.

The hardened version of the five-inch Dell Streak developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency contained a custom application with Google-like maps based on satellite images. Lt. Pelletier used it to update the precise location of fellow soldiers engaged in a fight with two dozen insurgents.

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My Comment: The Russian military is also getting involved in this technology .... minus the apps for now.

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