Both Jasmine and I really like her; the question was whether her expertise matched her personality.
I had no way to judge her [the vet's] treatment choices other than by results.
Jasmine's hip muscles, particularly the iliopsoas, started bothering her in February!
At that time I was quite convinced that she would have aggravated them on the ice, which was ever-present at that time. It made sense to me, and I was hoping that it would go away in a timely manner.
Those muscles, though, are quite true to the fact that they are hard to treat.
Then Jasmine's elbow got quite unhappy and the conclusion was that perhaps the hip muscles kept getting overworked by compensating for the progressively sorer joints.
The joints got treated with stem cells in May, and after some initial unexpected turn of events they joints got and remained happy.
We expected the sore muscles to resolve once the joints could be used as they should. But that did not happen.

Finally, at the end of July, having all our other efforts fail to resolve this problem, we decided to try to sort them out with acupuncture.
Jasmine had two acupuncture treatments to this date, three weeks apart.
First one at the end of July, and second one in mid August. Understanding that these things might or might not have an immediate effect (and indeed, it didn't have an immediate effect), I wanted to give it time before making my conclusions.
So here we are now, witnessing a marked improvement.
The muscles appear to have been consistently quite happy for some time now. Jasmine's previous nightly lameness is gone. At her last appointment, her main vet also noted that the muscles were doing well.
While you could consider this being anecdotal evidence, anecdotal is good enough for me (and I'm sure for Jasmine also).
After a long time of having problems with those muscles, they seem to be doing well now, and holding up, even though we are gradually giving Jasmine more freedom to be a crazy pup, which is what she desires.
Every time she gets wild, I worry about how much she's going to pay for it later, but she doesn't. Not any more.
Looks like this new addition to Jasmine's veterinary team is a keeper.
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Further reading:
Jasmine’s Story: Can Chronic Diarrhea and Soft Tissue Injuries be Normal?
Jasmine’s Story: An ACL Injury and a Cancer Scare
Jasmine’s Condition Deteriorates: Another ACL Injury and an Abdominal Abscess
Jasmine Recovers from Surgery and Jana Discovers TCVM
Who’s Minding Your Pet’s Health?
Pet Owner Perspective On Stem Cell Therapy
Difficult to Manage Lameness Treated with Physical Therapy
Our Journey to Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine