Hoe het is om vlakbij een exploderende vulkaan te staan

De Nieuw-Zeelandse fotograaf en cineast Geoff Mackley en zijn collega’s daalden 400 meter diep af in het ‘lavameer’ van de Marumvulkaan op het Ambrymeiland op Vanuatu.

Daar maakten ze deze spectaculaire opnames. De mens die u naast de exploderende lava ziet draagt een pak dat bestand is tegen temperaturen van 1.150° Celsius

The Most Incredible Volcano Video of ALL Time


Gepubliceerd op 17 sep 2012 door geoffmackley
The Most Incredible Volcano Video ever shot ! Geoff Mackley, Bradley Ambrose, Nathan Berg, after an epic struggle with the weather for 35 days, we became the first people ever to get this close to Marum Volcano's famed lava lake on Ambrym Island, Vanuatu. Coming within 30 metres of the lava lake down a watercourse, it was possible to stand the heat for only 6 seconds. With Fire Brigade breathing apparatus and heat proof proximity suit it was possible to stand on the very edge and view the incredible show for over 40 minutes.

For those of you "upset" with the use of a watermark on this video it may pay to consider for a moment that my expeditions are funded by the sale of such footage.
This expedition took nearly 2 months and cost many tens of thousands of dollars, not to mention the dangers involved.
As has been seen time and time again, there are many media organizations out there who think nothing of downloading peoples footage, re uploading to their own websites with adverts etc while others pay for the legitimate use of it. Its straight out theft.
Thanks to the viewers who understand why I have to deface such a good video with a watermark.
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Standaard YouTube-licentie

Bron : Express.be

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