Edited by Jamie Woodward, Gary Huckleberry, Paul Goldberg and Rolfe Mandel
This collection has been compiled to mark the publication of the 25th volume of Geoarchaeology. It was launched in St Louis on April 15th 2010 at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The broad aim was to produce a Virtual Special Issue of 25 papers to showcase some of the most important and influential papers that have been published in the journal over the last 25 years. At the same time, a key objective was to ensure that, as far as possible, the collection covered all areas of geoarchaeology and was broadly representative of the journal's history. We have combined qualitative and quantitative data to assemble this Virtual Issue by canvassing all of the journal's Associate Editors (inviting them to identify the most influential papers in their respective fields), and by using citation data (as one measure of impact in the wider academy) to fine tune the list. The selected papers are listed in chronological order and present a diversity of theories, models, approaches, and empirical datasets derived from research across six continents. We anticipate that this Virtual Issue will be of use to both students and researchers, and we hope it will generate debate. It is a fitting way to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Geoarchaeology: An International Journal.
Late Quaternary environmental history of the southern Levant
Paul Goldberg
Rates of fluvial sedimentation: Implications for archaeological variability
C. Reid Ferring
Paleorivers and geoarchaeology in the southern Egyptian Sahara
William P. McHugh, John F. McCauley, C. Vance Haynes, Carol S. Breed, Gerald G. Schaber
A "marginality" model to explain major spatial and temporal gaps in the old and new world Pleistocene settlement records
Karl W. Butzer
Impact of hydro-isostatic Holocene sea-level change on the geologic context of Island archaeological sites, Northern Ha'apai group, Kingdom of Tonga
William R. Dickinson, David V. Burley, Richard Shutler Jr.
Geochronology of paleoenvironmental change, clovis type site, Blackwater Draw, New Mexico
C. Vance Haynes Jr.
Short-term, post-burial change in a humic rendzina soil, Overton Down Experimental Earthwork, Wiltshire, England
J. Crowther, R. I. Macphail, G. M. Cruise
Solving archaeological problems using techniques of soil magnetism
Rinita A. Dalan, Subir K. Banerjee
Evaluating artifact burial by Eolian versus Bioturbation processes, South Carolina sandhills, USA
David S. Leigh
Soil constraints on Northwest Yucatán, Mexico: Pedoarchaeology and Maya Subsistence at Chunchucmil
Timothy Beach
The Loess/Paleosol record and the nature of the Younger Dryas climate in central China
David B. Madsen, Li Jingzen, Robert G. Elston, Xu Cheng, Robert L. Bettinger, Geng Kan, P. Jeff Brantingham, Zhong Kan
A reinterpretation of the Great Pit at Hofstaoir, Iceland using sediment thin section micromorphology
Ian A. Simpson, Karen B. Milek, Garðar Guðmundsson
The evolution of Paleoindian geochronology and typology on the Great Plains
Vance T. Holliday
Prehistoric shepherds and caves in the Trieste Karst (Northeastern Italy)
Giovanni Boschian, Emanuela Montagnari-Kokelj
Geochronology and climate change of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in the Darb el Arba'in Desert, Eastern Sahara
C. Vance Haynes Jr.
The sedimentary records in Mediterranean rockshelters and caves: Archives of environmental change
Jamie C. Woodward, Paul Goldberg
The microstratigraphic record of abrupt climate changes in cave sediments of the Western Mediterranean
Marie-Agnès Courty, Josep Vallverduc
Darwin would be proud: Bioturbation, dynamic denudation, and the power of theory in science
D. L. Johnson
The effects of temporal and spatial patterns of Holocene erosion and alluviation on the archaeological record of the Central and Eastern Great Plains, U.S.A.
E. Arthur Bettis III, Rolfe D. Mandel
Dynamic landscapes, artifact taphonomy, and landuse modeling in the western Mediterranean
C. Michael Barton, Joan Bernabeu, J. Emili Aura, Oreto Garcia, Neus La Roca
Geoarchaeology of the Kostenki-Borshchevo sites, Don River Valley, Russia
Vance T. Holliday, John F. Hoffecker, Paul Goldberg, Richard I. Macphail, Steven L. Forman, Mikhail Anikovich, Andrei Sinitsyn
Biogeochemical studies of a Native American runoff agroecosystem
Jonathan A. Sandor, Jay B. Norton, Jeffrey A. Homburg, Deborah A. Muenchrath, Carleton S. White, Stephen E. Williams, Celeste I. Havener, Peter D. Stahl
Identification of lime plaster in prehistory using petrographic methods: A review and reconsideration of the data on the basis of experimental and case studies
Panagiotis Karkanas
The surface archaeological record in arid Australia: Geomorphic controls on preservation, exposure, and visibility
Patricia C. Fanning, Simon J. Holdaway, Ed J. Rhodes, Tessa G. Bryant
Mid-Pleistocene pozzolanic volcanic ash in ancient Roman concretes
Marie Jackson, Daniel Deocampo, Fabrizio Marra, Barry Scheetz
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies